Meeting Time: July 18, 2023 at 10:00am PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

14. Public Comment. Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters both on and off the Commission agenda. The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person. Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole.

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    Anna Bowren over 1 year ago

    I support the commissioners who are harassed and bullied every week by belligerent people in our community during meetings. These handful of people do not represent the community as a whole. I work full time, have kids, hobbies, friends, and have a life outside of making public officials' lives miserable so I do not have the time to come to your meetings to express my thoughts on policies you are deciding on or to express my appreciation for the work you do. And if I did, I would be booed and heckled because my idea of public discourse does not fit in to the tiny box that the radicals think it should. I have witnessed people who are advocates for free speech trample over others' free speech. I have witnessed children reading poetry in your meetings be belittled by the same people who claim to want to protect children. I have witnessed people claiming to want to show the "truth" use public comment time to lie or spread mistruths that would have only taken only a few moments to research and learn facts. The irony is astounding. Good luck to you as you make the right decisions for the community and to not be swayed by the angry few.