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Agenda Item
5.F.1 Recommendation to approve and accept Federal 2023 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant-In-Aid Award funds from the State of Nevada to the Washoe County Library System in the amount of $75,000.00 [$7,698.00 County match] for a retroactive term of July 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 for the purchase of a bookmobile to expand and improve library outreach services to Washoe County residents in various areas of the County; if approved to authorize the Library Director to sign the grant award documents necessary to receive the funding; if approved to authorize the Comptroller's Office to make the necessary amendments to the Washoe County Library System's Fiscal Year 24 budget to reflect the receipt and use of the grant funds. Library. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION
Of course we need a functioning, well-funded book mobile - this is a no-brainer. Any city, county or other jurisdiciton that has a robust library system needs a way to make library services, programs and materials available to and accessible to everyone. Going out into the community with a bookmobile is a fantastic way to engage the public, get kids reading, and widen the reach of the library's amazing work. To suggest that the bookmobile could be used for nefarious purposes is delusional, unhinged and completely unmoored from reality. Some things are beyond the pale - let's steer the conversation back to a reasonable discussion among rational people. A bookmobile is a valuable asset to increase liteary and love of books. Thank you for supporting this vital asset!
I do agree the book mobile is a valuable asset for our community. However, the staff report is a little deceiving in stating there hasn't been any previous action. Washoe County used to have two book mobiles/buses. In my employment with Tech Services, I actually worked on the desktop units within them. So, how about a little insight as to what happened to them? Did they get sold? If so, what did the library do with the money from their sale? If they are still in use, what is the schedule and location these units are deployed to? What will be the schedule and locations of the new bus? Will the bus be used to subject minors to any pornographic material? Will the computers allow for predators to conduct human trafficking on the internet? The nature of a constantly moving target may make it difficult for public safety officers to track down offenders. Will there be security cameras in place to protect this valuable asset, staff, and patrons? With all the smash and grabs going on precautions need to be put in place. It would be beneficial to provide this information for a more informed decision.
I would love to see a bookmobile in Reno to make books & library services accessible to a wider population. A bookmobile is a fun & exciting way to reach younger readers as well.
I think the idea of a bookmobile is great. It allows the library to literally reach out to the community in ways a standalone branch cannot. Many people have limited abilities to get to a library branch. A bookmobile can bring the library services to these people. A bookmobile also seems cost effective compared to the cost of a standalone library branch.
My family and I are so grateful for all of the services our libraries offer. We visit a number of different libraries in the county regularly. I think that the library system adding a bookmobile in order to reach even more community members than they already do is a fantastic idea, and I absolutely support it.
A bookmobile would greatly benefit those are disabled and have a hard time going to the libraries. can also allow for some flexibility with someone can go to the library or even just return books
We need a bookmobile in Washoe County. I would love to see it visit senior and veterans homes and provide internet access to those who can't afford high-speed internet at their home.
Of course we need a functioning, well-funded book mobile - this is a no-brainer. Any city, county or other jurisdiciton that has a robust library system needs a way to make library services, programs and materials available to and accessible to everyone. Going out into the community with a bookmobile is a fantastic way to engage the public, get kids reading, and widen the reach of the library's amazing work. To suggest that the bookmobile could be used for nefarious purposes is delusional, unhinged and completely unmoored from reality. Some things are beyond the pale - let's steer the conversation back to a reasonable discussion among rational people. A bookmobile is a valuable asset to increase liteary and love of books. Thank you for supporting this vital asset!
I do agree the book mobile is a valuable asset for our community. However, the staff report is a little deceiving in stating there hasn't been any previous action. Washoe County used to have two book mobiles/buses. In my employment with Tech Services, I actually worked on the desktop units within them. So, how about a little insight as to what happened to them? Did they get sold? If so, what did the library do with the money from their sale? If they are still in use, what is the schedule and location these units are deployed to? What will be the schedule and locations of the new bus? Will the bus be used to subject minors to any pornographic material? Will the computers allow for predators to conduct human trafficking on the internet? The nature of a constantly moving target may make it difficult for public safety officers to track down offenders. Will there be security cameras in place to protect this valuable asset, staff, and patrons? With all the smash and grabs going on precautions need to be put in place. It would be beneficial to provide this information for a more informed decision.
I would love to see a bookmobile in Reno to make books & library services accessible to a wider population. A bookmobile is a fun & exciting way to reach younger readers as well.
I think the idea of a bookmobile is great. It allows the library to literally reach out to the community in ways a standalone branch cannot. Many people have limited abilities to get to a library branch. A bookmobile can bring the library services to these people. A bookmobile also seems cost effective compared to the cost of a standalone library branch.
My family and I are so grateful for all of the services our libraries offer. We visit a number of different libraries in the county regularly. I think that the library system adding a bookmobile in order to reach even more community members than they already do is a fantastic idea, and I absolutely support it.
A bookmobile would be a great asset for Washoe County residents who do not live close to or are unable to visit one of our many wonderful libraries.
A bookmobile would greatly benefit those are disabled and have a hard time going to the libraries. can also allow for some flexibility with someone can go to the library or even just return books
We need a bookmobile in Washoe County. I would love to see it visit senior and veterans homes and provide internet access to those who can't afford high-speed internet at their home.