Meeting Time: August 15, 2023 at 10:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

8. Presentation by Debi Stears, Collection Development Manager for Washoe County Library, regarding Washoe County Library's Collection Development Policy, including criteria used to select new titles and the process for community members to challenge an item in the current collection. FOR DISCUSSION ONLY

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    Ilya Arbatman over 1 year ago

    Thank you Debi Stears and the library for taking the time to prepare this crucial information and outreach to the community. We need sober, logical and sane guidance to keep us all from going off the rails. The library and its incredible collection of books is absolutely essential to a thriving, diverse and healthy city + community. There are many books there I find hateful and intolerant - books that I would rather never see written or distributed. However, I understand that my point of view is but one among many and that a plularity of voices and opinions must be represented for the library to be a functional institution. If there are books I disagree with, I do not have to read them. Same goes for everyone else. Their presence, even if I find it hurtful, nevertheless contributes to ensuring democratic, civic and civil (that one should be underlined) discussion amongst readers of all ages and backgrounds. Let's keep the library awesome and diverse!

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    Rosanna Zuckerman over 1 year ago

    I fully support the Washoe County Library and the efforts to carry titles that allow people from various background and various identities to see themselves reflected in library books. The efforts to censor or ban books is very clearly a serious threat to our freedom of speech & expression. I support one's right to choose only for themselves and their own children what to read and what to believe. It is inappropriate and unacceptable for a small, loud group of people to dictate what others have access to. I would also like to voice my support for Drag Story Hour -- a sparkling celebration of resilient joy, self-confidence, literacy, individuality, and community. “Drag Story Hour celebrates reading through the glamorous art of drag. Our chapter network creates diverse, accessible, and culturally-inclusive family programming where kids can express their authentic selves and become bright lights of change in their communities," -- please continue to educate yourself on the importance of this programming at As a public institution, it is the library's responsibility to welcome and explicity support marginalized communities, which includes but is not limited the LGBTQIA+ community as well as communities of color.

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    Richard Bissett over 1 year ago

    We have a diversity of people in Nevada, so it stands to reason there should be a diversity of books available to our diverse population. A library that creates this book diversity is doing its job in meeting the needs of our diverse population. Washoe county library system is doing its job.

    Banning a book usually steps on the rights of some group of people. People should not be making reading decisions for other parents’ children.

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    Ann Fulkerson over 1 year ago

    I'm writing to support the Library Collection Development & Management Policy, including the adherence to the American Library Association's principals on Intellectual Freedom. I also support the opportunity for individuals to express concern about any topic or material based on their personal values. However, I do not support any censorship of any materials based on concerns expressed by a small number of people. As a free, democratic society, libraries provide all of us with the opportunity to explore ideas. Censorship is the hallmark of dictators and the removal of any book based on the opinions of a few does not uphold the rights of all.

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    Oliver Bream over 1 year ago

    I support my local library and hope that this policy is in support of diverse, inclusive books and programming. Including no book banning and continuing support of community events such as drag queen story hour. Drag Queen Story Hour is a wonderful and inclusive initiative that plays a crucial role in promoting diversity, acceptance, and open-mindedness in our communities. By bringing together drag queens and children through storytelling, this event not only encourages a love for reading but also teaches children valuable lessons about embracing differences and treating everyone with kindness and respect.

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    Alisa McWilliams over 1 year ago

    I am a Washoe county resident in District 2 and a frequent visitor to different libraries in the Washoe County Library System. I very much support our library system offering a diversity of books so that all people can see themselves represented. Please reject any efforts to ban books in our libraries, allowing individuals and parents to make their own decisions about what to read.

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    Ted Lambert over 1 year ago

    As a college professor it troubles me to think that any book would be banned simply because some people don't like what it says. We live in a free country and many brave people have served and died to protect those freedoms. If a library's collection does not have items that challenge or go against your beliefs, it is a poor collection. I have been happy with the very wide range of ideas and beliefs one can encounter in Washoe County libraries and I hope it remains that way.

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    Milana Gallen, Mrs. over 1 year ago

    I hope this is the right place to advocate continuing the LGBTQ drag story hour in Washoe libraries. As a former teacher I know how empowering public affirmation is for LGBT families and individuals. These events encourage love of reading and acceptance of
    all people.

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    Yazmin Myers over 1 year ago

    I love my library. I love that I can choose find new and diverse stories. I love being able to find myself represented in these stories. I love being able to go to a nostalgic place and seeing new topics on the shelves. I love seeing new authors. I love seeing that new sticker or just seeing an old favorite. the biggest part of all of that is I can choose.I get access to choices and I make the choice that’s best for me, as any person can.

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    Julie Ullman over 1 year ago

    Free People Read Freely. I am grateful for a library system that recognizes the right of the individual to choose their own reading materials and that parents get to choose appropriate materials for their own children, not for other peoples' children. I don't need someone else telling me what I should or shouldn't read. It is my choice, just as it is everyone's choice, for themselves. This is America.