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Agenda Item
7.C.1. Recommendation to accept the Energizing Rural Communities Prize Phase One Partner from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations in the amount of [$100,000; no County match] retroactive for the period of July 14, 2023 through June 30, 2024; retroactively authorize the County Manager to execute the prize award documents; and direct the Comptroller's Office to make the necessary budget amendments. This award program is meant to incentivize the development of clean energy projects in rural or remote areas of the United States. The prize offers funding to kickstart development of clean energy projects and is intended to incentivize competitors to take the first steps necessary to develop a clean energy project. This project will assess needs, identify and evaluate resources, and put together a conceptual plan for a future renewable-energy system in the Gerlach area that is inspired by the people of Gerlach, informed by world-class energy expertise, and powered by cutting-edge technology. Manager's Office. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION