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Agenda Item
8. Recommendation to approve the Third Addendum to SR 28 Corridor Operations and Maintenance Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Washoe County, Tahoe Transportation District (TTD), Nevada Department of Transportation, Nevada Division of State Parks (NDSP), Nevada Division of State Lands, Nevada Department of Public Safety-Highway Patrol, Incline Village General Improvement District, Carson City Parks & Recreation Department, Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The Third Addendum to the ILA identifies responsibilities of agency partners Washoe County, TTD, and the NDSP regarding the management, maintenance and operations of parking and the trail along SR 28 and the collection of parking revenues. The fees are collected by TTD and are used to reimburse Washoe County and NDPS for any operational or maintenance costs associated with parking and the trail along SR 28. Reimbursement amount is not expected to exceed $300,000 for FY 23/24. Community Services. (Commission District 1.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION