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Agenda Item
20. Recommendation for discussion and possible action in regard to the appointment and/or reappointment of Commissioners to boards and commissions, alteration of terms of service on boards and commissions where legally permissible, and such other action as the board of commissioners may desire to take in regard to those administrative matters. Boards and commissions for which possible changes to appointments could be made under this item include all of the boards and commissions listed at the end of this agenda as the "various" boards and commissions that commissioners may be members of or liaisons to. Manager's Office. (All Commission District.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION
All adjacent property owners and 45 neighbors who live in the immediate vicinity are on record with details as to why the legally required findings cannot be made. This SUP is detrimental to the public health safety and welfare, and the adjacent properties.
The site is not suitable for the intensity of use or for adding impervious coverages from an indoor arena and fire access road in a FEMA flood zone.
No comment at his time.
All adjacent property owners and 45 neighbors who live in the immediate vicinity are on record with details as to why the legally required findings cannot be made. This SUP is detrimental to the public health safety and welfare, and the adjacent properties.
The site is not suitable for the intensity of use or for adding impervious coverages from an indoor arena and fire access road in a FEMA flood zone.