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Agenda Item
9.H.1. Recommendation to approve a FY 2024 Nevada State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) grant for [$8,990.00, no County match required]. The HMEP grant is intended to provide for planning and training to prevent, mitigate and respond to hazardous materials incidents. Grant term is retroactive from January 10, 2024 - September 30, 2024. If approved, authorize the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Chair to execute grant documents and authorize the County Manager or his designee, to sign the Washoe County Sub-Grant Agreement between Washoe County and the Reno Fire Department (RFD) on behalf of TRIAD Hazmat Team per NRS 244.1505, in the amount of [$8,990.00] to conduct a Department of Transportation (DOT) 406 Tanker Rollover Response course which includes the vendor fees: approve Resolution necessary for the same; and direct the Comptroller's Office to make the appropriate budget amendments. Manager`s Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION