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Agenda Item
9. Recommendation to provide direction to staff regarding a deteriorating 6-foot tall, 1151 foot long precast concrete-panel wall, located along the interface of the Arrowcreek Parkway right-of-way and the rear-property line of 14 residential lots beginning at 13430 Fieldcreek Lane and ending at 13560 Fieldcreek Lane. Estimates are provided but final costs are dependent upon competitive bidding. Current options include: A) remove, replace and paint the deteriorated concrete wall panels with all costs borne by Washoe County [approximately $373,600.00]; B) remove, replace and paint the deteriorated concrete wall panels with one half of the cost borne by Washoe County [approximately $186,000.00 with a cost share of approximately $186,000.00 between the 14 property owners]; C) completely remove the existing concrete panel wall with all costs borne by Washoe County [approximately $75,000.00]; or D) any other direction provided by the Washoe County Commission. All options will require a funding source to be identified. If Options A or B are directed, an agreement transferring ownership and future maintenance of the repaired wall to each individual property owner will be developed and presented at a future meeting. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION