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Agenda Item
18. Recommendation to approve the use of General Fund Contingency in the total amount of [$1,200,000] for fiscal year 2024 in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 354.598005 to 1) increase expenditure authority in Conflict Counsel in the total amount of [$1,138,500] to support cost increases for court appointed attorneys; 2) increase expenditure authority in Public Defender's Office for Expert Witness Fees [$46,500] to support reasonable and necessary costs to meet minimum Due Process rights in the Tracy Petrocelli Trial; 3) increase expenditure authority in Alternate Public Defender's Office for Expert Witness Fees [$15,000] to support reasonable and necessary costs to meet minimum Due Process rights in the Avram Nika Trial; and direct the Comptroller to make the appropriate cross-functional budget appropriation transfers. [Total fiscal year 2024 impact $1,200,000; net fiscal impact $-0-]. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION
How are tax payers still responsible for defending brutal murders that occurred in 1982 and 1994?
How are tax payers still responsible for defending brutal murders that occurred in 1982 and 1994?