Meeting Time: April 16, 2024 at 10:00am PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

21. Initiation of a proposed ordinance to amend Washoe County Code Chapter 65 (Safety and Disaster Services) by repealing the definition of "division"; by repealing sections related to the county risk manager and transferring the former risk manager's duties to the risk management division of the comptroller department; by amending provisions to: expand the risk management division's authority to settle claims related to damage and repair of county property (with no related third party claims) from $1,000 to $2,500; expand the risk management division's authority to settle any claim or suit for damages from amounts less than $10,000 to amounts up to $25,000; expand the county manager's authority to settle any claim or suit for damages from amounts between $10,000 but less than $25,000 to amounts greater than $25,000 but no more than $150,000; expand the board of county commissioner's sole authority to settle any claim or suit for damages from $25,000 or greater to $150,000 or greater; and by revising provisions related to: the county's safety program; the county safety officer; posting of safety notices; reporting requirements for occupationally related injury or illness; reporting requirements in the event of a fatality or catastrophic event; reporting requirements by officers, employees, volunteers and department heads following an accident, incident or injury; written documentation of accidents and incidents; investigation and evaluation of accidents and incidents involving county officers, employees or volunteers and the safety committee's review of such investigations; and by amending provisions related to the safety committee's powers and duties, membership, terms of office, and meeting schedule; and all matters necessarily connected therewith and pertaining thereto. If supported, direct the Clerk to set the first reading for April 23, 2024 and public hearing, second reading and possible adoption of the Ordinance for May 14, 2024. Manager's Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    Lucy Hilton 11 months ago

    Manager's limit should be set at $100K.