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Agenda Item
23. Public Hearing: Master Plan Amendment Case Number WMPA23-0003, Regulatory Zone Amendment Case Number WRZA23-0003 & Development Code Amendment Case Number WDCA23-0003 (Sutcliffe Community Area Modifiers).
Consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendation to:
(1) Adopt amendments to the Truckee Canyon Area Plan, a component of the Washoe County Master Plan, to change the Master Plan land use designation for five parcels (APNs: 079-230-01, 03, 04, 07 & 11) from Rural (R) to Commercial (C) and assign a Master Plan land use designation of Commercial (C) to two parcels without a current Master Plan land use designation (APNs: 079-230-02 & 06); and if approved, authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to that effect;
(2) Adopt, subject to final approval of the associated Master Plan Amendment and a finding of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan, an amendment to the Truckee Canyon Regulatory Zone Map, to change the regulatory zone for two parcels (APNs: 079-230-01 & 03) from General Rural (GR) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC); for three parcels (APNs: 079-230-04, 07 & 11) from Specific Plan (SP) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC); and to assign a regulatory zone of Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to two parcels without any regulatory zone designation (APNs: 079-230-02 & 06); and if approved, authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to that effect;
(3) Introduce and conduct a first reading of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 110 (Development Code), Article 222 Truckee Canyon Area, to add a new section for the Sutcliffe Community Area Modifiers which: designates parcels subject to the modifier, specifies exceptions to the development standards for the neighborhood commercial regulatory zone for the Sutcliffe Community Area, provides for additional residential uses which shall be allowed by right in the Sutcliffe Community Area, and provides for additional commercial uses which shall be allowed with a special use permit in the Sutcliffe Community Area; and all matters necessarily connected therewith and pertaining thereto. If supported, set the public hearing for second reading and possible adoption of the Ordinance for May 14, 2024;
(4) Sunset the Crosby Lodge Specific Plan that includes three parcels (APNs: 079-230-04, 07 & 11)
The applicant is the Washoe County Community Services Department, Planning & Building division. The subject parcels are located off Sutcliffe Drive and SR 445 close to Pyramid Lake. The Board of County Commissioners may adopt the proposed amendments, may modify the proposed master plan amendments and refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for its report in accordance with NRS 278.220(4), or may deny the proposed amendments after the public hearing. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION