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Agenda Item
24. Public Hearing: Master Plan Amendment Case Number WMPA23-0005, Regulatory Zone Amendment Case Number WRZA23-0007.
Consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendation to:
(1) Adopt an amendment to the Washoe County Master Plan, South Valleys Master Plan Land Use Map, Appendix B - Maps to change the Master Plan designation from Rural to Rural Residential on one parcel totaling 17.65 acres (APN 046-042-06); and if approved, authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to that effect; and,
(2) Adopt, subject to final approval of the associated Master Plan Amendment by the Board of County Commissioners and a finding of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan by regional planning authorities, an amendment to the South Valleys Regulatory Zone Map to change the regulatory zone from General Rural (GR) (1 du/40 acres) to Medium Density Rural (MDR) (1 du/5 acres) on the same 17.65-acre parcel (APN 046-042-06); and if approved, authorize the Chair to sign a resolution to that effect.
The site is located west of Interstate 580 and east of Old Highway 395. Access to the parcel is taken from Makayla Way. The Board of County Commissioners may adopt the proposed amendments, may modify the proposed master plan amendment and refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for its report in accordance with NRS 278.220(4), or may deny the proposed amendments after the public hearing. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION