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Agenda Item
12. Recommendation to approve Amendment #2 to the Interlocal Contract between the Department of Health and Human Services (Division of Health Care Financing and Policy) and the County of Washoe to authorize Human Services Agency to participate in claiming allowable reimbursements covered under Federal Title XIX of the Social Security Act, for activities performed for Medicaid Targeted Case Management (TCM) Services, Adult Day Health Care Direct Services, and Medicaid Administrative Services, retroactive July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026, which will revise the Scope of work to include language for reimbursement for individuals "including the homeless population" and increases the maximum amount from [$32,438,002.00 ($7,526,000.00 for FY23; $7,902,300.00 for FY24; $8,297,416.00 for FY25; $8,712,286.00 for FY26)] to [$40,324,493.17 ($8,435,977.85 for FY23; $10,153,698.66 for FY24; $10,602,349.86 for FY25; $11,132,466.80 for FY26)] due to the increase in Administrative Claiming for expanded population; and if approved, authorize Chairman to execute Contract. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION