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Agenda Item
8.B.1. Recommendation to certify charges, levy and direct the Treasurer to collect $275,404.34 in special assessments for fiscal year 2024/2025 as requested by the State Engineer of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, for Black Rock Desert Groundwater Basin ($68.91), Honey Lake Valley Groundwater Basin ($5,237.65), Hualapai Flat Water District ($8,704.30), San Emidio Desert District ($4,736.29), Warm Springs Valley Groundwater Basin ($9,358.59), Washoe Valley Groundwater Basin ($3,298.60), Warm Springs/Winnemucca Creek Basin ($4,000.00), Cold Springs Valley Groundwater Basin ($8,000.00), Lake Tahoe Groundwater Basin ($10,000.00), Lemmon Valley Water District ($20,000.00), Pleasant Valley Groundwater Basin ($6,000.00), Spanish Springs Valley Groundwater Basin ($30,000.00), Tracy Segment Groundwater Basin ($4,000.00), Truckee Canyon Segment Groundwater Basin ($12,000.00) and Truckee Meadows/Sun Valley Groundwater Basin ($150,000.00). Authorize the Treasurer to remove uncollectible assessments and/or correct assessments on the tax roll as requested by the Division of Water Resources; direct the Clerk to execute the State of Nevada Division of Water Resources certification letters and send them back to the Division pursuant to NRS 533.285; and direct the Comptroller to pay to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources the requested funds. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION