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Agenda Item
8.E.3. Recommendation to approve, pursuant to NRS 244.1505, Commission District Special Fund disbursement in the amount of [$10,000.00] for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; District 3 Commissioner Mariluz Garcia recommends a [$5,000.00] grant to JUSTin Hope Foundation - a nonprofit organization, created for religious, charitable or educational purposes - for the purpose of supporting families and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and a [$5,000.00] grant to Note-Able Music Therapy Services - a nonprofit organization, created for religious, charitable or educational purposes - for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities through a range of adaptive and neurologic musical therapy services; approve Resolutions necessary for same; and direct the Comptroller's Office to make the necessary disbursements of funds. Manager's Office. (Commission District 3.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION