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Agenda Item
8.G.1. Recommendation to approve and sign a lease agreement between Washoe County and Desert View Commercial Properties, LLC, for Washoe County to rent real property known as East Red Peak (APN 502-250-07) for the purpose of constructing, installing, and operating a communications site for the Nevada Shared Radio System for a period of ten (10) years beginning on July 1, 2024 and ending on June 30, 2034, with the option to renew for one additional term of ten (10) years; for an initial cost of $2,000.00 per month and subsequent cost increases to the monthly rent each year beginning on January 1, 2025, equal to the effective interest rates earned by the invested assets of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) trust funds combined, not to exceed 10% annually. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION