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Agenda Item
32. Recommendation to approve Cost of Living Adjustments in base wage of 3% effective July 1, 2024 [FY 24/25 estimated fiscal impact $120,177]; a cost of living adjustment in base wages of 3.25% beginning July 1, 2025 [FY 25/26 estimated fiscal impact $124,083]; a cost of living adjustment in base wages of 3.5% beginning July 1, 2026 [FY 26/27 estimated fiscal impact $128,426]; a cost of living adjustment in base wages of 3.25% beginning July 1, 2027 [FY 27/28 estimated fiscal impact $132,600] for the Justices of the Peace of Reno, Sparks, Wadsworth, and Incline Justice Court. [Estimated total fiscal impact $505,286]. Sparks Justice Court. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION