Meeting Time: August 20, 2024 at 10:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

17. Recommendation to appoint one candidate from a pool of applicants including: Shauna Adams, Danielle Anders, Ilya Arbatman, Ron Aryel, Katherine Ayzengart, Shanna Bearden, Manny Becerra, Nicole Bell, Scott Benton, Ryan Bernardo, Ann Bickley, Bonnie Billings, Franco Biondi, Jessica Brown, Jane Burnham, Andrea Caldwell, Megan Cannella, Raymond Case, Frederick Clayton, Kate Crist, Reva Crump, Grace Davis, Alyson Dennis, Robert Devin, Heather Drew, Roger Edwards, Robert Ellis, Brian Erbis, Scott Ferguson, Scott Finley, Maria Flores, Keith Frosle, Noah Glick, Gordan Gossage, Mel Grotberg, Erica Hall, Jessica Hofmann, Wayne Holland, Naseem Jamnia, Rosemary Johnson, Kasandra Jones, Megan Kay, Ronald Keil, Patricia Kress, Samuel Lackey, Bradley Leavitt, Darla Lee, Timothy Lewis, Ed Lind, William Luikart, Kira Luin, Jill Lynch, William Mason, Robbie Maus, Lesley Means, Krista Meier, Katelyn Miller, Olivia Nevarez-Salazar, Becky Nuckolls, Melissa Olsen, Linda Park, Bruce Parks, Angeline Peterson, Peter Picetti, Ma'kayla Porter, Kelly Proud, Luke Rippee, Judith Rodby, Marie Rodriguez, Albert Rogers, Christina Rutledge, Hagen Sandoval, Linda Schmitt, Katie Schneider, Lawrence Schweitz, Roger Scime, William Sims, Monica Stabbert, Ryan Stark, Susan Stieg, Andre Stigall, Marvin Tanner, Geraldine F. Taylor, Tracey Thomas, Owen Truesdell, Tara Webster, Charles Wellington II, Brooke Westlake, Kathleen Whitfield, Sylvia Willard, Lloyd Wilson, Benjamin Zober, and Sara Zober to fill one midterm vacancy on the Washoe County Library Board of Trustees pursuant to NRS 379.020(3) beginning on September 1, 2024, and ending on June 30, 2028. Library. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    Eric Lerude 7 months ago

    Dear Commissioners,

    Please select a candidate who represents the interests of the majority of Washoe County citizens.

    I believe the majority of Washoe County citizens want the following:

    1. A library system overseen by librarians who understand how libraries are operated.
    2. Letting the experienced executive director and staff do their jobs.
    3. Having diverse programs that are beneficial and welcoming to all members of the community.
    4. Having a broad selection of books available in the libraries, as compared to limiting or banning books based on the viewpoint of a minority of people.
    5. Having a Board of Trustees where the members are committed to working together in a civil manner and in accordance with Nevada and Federal laws to figure out the best practices for the libraries.
    6. As little drama, anxiety and uncertainty as possible in and around the Washoe County Library System.

    And once you pick that candidate, and if they perform appropriately, then please look to re-appoint that person to the Board of Trustees. This apparently was how the Washoe County Commissioners managed the Board of Trustees forever, until last year and now this year. It does not make sense to every year take your valuable time as well as the valuable time of many Washoe County employees and the public to pick a new member of the Board of Trustees. Deciding to not re-appoint a Trustee just opens the door for a minority of people to be very disruptive and cause a lot of drama, anxiety and uncertainty. If it is “peace and calm” that Commissioner Clark wants, then re-appoint Trustees who deserve to be re-appointed.

    If I had a vote, I would select Al Rogers, who deserved to be re-appointed. He was doing a fine job. But if you are determined to pick a new person, then select Noah Glick or Danielle Anders. I am not aware that any of these persons has been a librarian; however, I am confident that each of them would act in a manner that is consistent with the interests of the majority of Washoe County citizens.

    Thank you for your service to Washoe County.

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    Rebecca Reed 7 months ago

    Albert Rogers should be reappointed to the library board. Mr. Rogers has devoted his life to public service and is a strong advocate for our library system. His previous experience on the board is invaluable. Also, Wayne Holland is a previous library board member, who would bring experience and knowledge of the library system back to the board.
    If you are looking for a new board member, I'd strongly recommend Naseem Jamnia. Jamnia is a published author, who is an advocate for intelligent freedom.

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    Eric Robbins 7 months ago

    I support reappointing Al Rogers to the Library Board of Trustees and strongly oppose appointing Bruce Parks to the Board.

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    Cate Salim 7 months ago

    I hope the Commissioners will table this issue to a later date after whittling down the list of names. With such a huge pool of candidates, there needs to be a meeting specifically geared towards this issue. I would also suggest the Commissioners pull transcripts of public comments from the LBOT, to better discern who is currently attending the meetings and how they compose themselves at the meetings. Please reconsider placing Al Rogers on the LBOT - he has done an excellent job and has been a voice of reason. Finally, Bruce Parks has shown a tremendous amount of disdain for our libraries and the director and has used inflammatory (and even violent) language at the meetings. I believe that his being placed on the LBOT would sew further discord.