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Agenda Item
14. Public Hearing: Master Plan Amendment Case Number WMPA24-0003 & Regulatory Zone Amendment Case Number WRZA24-0005 (York).
Consideration of the Planning Commission's recommendation to:
(1) Adopt amendments to the Washoe County Master Plan, Southwest Truckee Meadows Master Plan Land Use Map (WMPA24-0003) to change the master plan land use designation for a ±13.8 acre portion of a ±14.5 acre parcel (APN: 041-051-59) from Rural (R) to Rural Residential (RR); and if approved, authorize the chair to sign a resolution to this effect; and
(2) Subject to final approval of the associated master plan amendment and a finding of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan by regional planning authorities, recommend adoption of an amendment to the Southwest Truckee Meadows Regulatory Zone Map to change the regulatory zoning for a ±13.8 acre portion of a ±14.5 acre parcel (APN: 041-051-59) from General Rural (GR-1 unit per 40 acres) to ±7.1 acres of High Density Rural (HDR-1 unit per 2.5 acres) and ±6.7 acres of Open Space (OS); and if approved, authorize the chair to sign a resolution to this effect; and
(3) Subject to a finding of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan by the regional planning authorities, to approve a resolution sponsoring an amendment to the 2019 Truckee Meadows Regional Plan to change the Land Designation of the subject parcel from Tier 3 to Tier 2.
The site is located at 70 Bear Mountain Place. The Board of County Commissioners may adopt the proposed amendments, may modify the proposed master plan amendment and refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for its report in accordance with NRS 278.220(4), or may deny the proposed amendments after the public hearing. Community Services. (Commission District 1.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION