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Agenda Item
5.D.3. Recommendation to (1) accept a grant from the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, in the amount of [$136,394, no match] to support the region's efforts to build out an improved behavioral health Crisis Response System and support other regional behavioral health initiatives, (2) direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments, and (3) authorize Human Resources to make the necessary changes for the creation of one new full-time 1.0 FTE Management Analyst position, pay grade 16, (Office of the County Manager), as reviewed and evaluated by the Job Evaluation Committee (JEC)-since position is grant funded, if grant funding is reduced or eliminated, the position hours will be reduced and/or the position will be abolished accordingly unless additional funding is secured; new position is 100% financed with the above referenced grant from the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada with primary responsibility for facilitation the Crisis Response System and other behavioral health initiatives of regional significance. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION