Meeting Time: December 10, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

15. Public Hearing: Subject to a finding of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan by the regional planning authorities, recommendation to approve a resolution initiating an amendment to the 2019 Truckee Meadows Regional Plan Map 3 - Regional Utility Corridors & Sites to include a 200 MW solar energy center (containing a ±1,571 contiguous acre solar field, 200 MW solar energy storage system, and new substation on APNs 079-150-21; 079-150-20; 079-150-19; 079-150-17; 079-180-14; 079-150-45; 079-180-50; 079-150-08; 079-150-47; 079-150-07; 079-150-06; 079-150-04; 079-150-02; 079-150-01; 084-040-07) and a 1-mile-long 345 kV transmission line traversing west across APN 079-150-58, connecting the new substation on APN 079-150-19 to the Olinghouse Substation on APN 079-150-59 (WSUP23-0036 Dodge Flat Solar II). Community Services. (Commission District 4.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION