Meeting Time: December 17, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

7.B.4. Recommendation to approve a resolution declaring Washoe County's intent to lease to the Northern Nevada Youth Golf Foundation, d/b/a First Tee Northern Nevada, a corporation for public benefit under NRS chapter 82, approximately 39.05 acres of land commonly known as the Wildcreek Golf Course on Sullivan Lane in Sparks, Nevada (a portion of APN 035-080-04) without consideration as authorized in NRS 244.284 and setting a date for a hearing on January 14, 2025, at which objections can be heard and other matters properly related thereto. If ultimately approved, the lease would allow development of Wildcreek Golf Course as authorized by the Golf Course Development Agreement dated July 25, 2022, between Washoe County and Northern Nevada Youth Golf Foundation, d/b/a First Tee Northern Nevada. The First Tee is required to operate the golf course for charitable or civic purposes for the community on terms specified in a purchase and sale agreement and related documents, and if the property ever ceased being so used, it would revert automatically to the county. Community Services. (Commission District 5) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION