Meeting Time: March 18, 2025 at 10:00am PDT


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Agenda Item

16. Public Hearing to: (1) consider objections to Resolution (R25-23), declaring Washoe County's intent to convey to Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA), a joint powers authority entity created pursuant to a cooperative agreement among the cities of Reno, Nevada, Sparks, Nevada and Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS chapter 277, approximately 479.774 acres of land commonly known as American Flats (APN 079-332-37 and 079-332-36) without consideration as authorized in NRS 244.284. The conveyance benefits the public by contributing to the OneWater Nevada Advanced Purified Water (APW) Facility, an initiative approach to diversifying the region's water supply; and (2) possible action to approve a Grant, Bargain and Sale Deed, With Possibility of Reverter, conveying American Flats (APN# 079-332-37 and 079-332-36) without consideration as authorized in NRS 244.284, TMWA; and (3) possible action to approve an Assignment And Assumption of Agreement with the County of Washoe and The City of Reno Swan Lake Land Application American Flat Road Site, assigning Washoe County's rights to TMWA; and (4) authorize the County Manager to execute any and all required documents necessary for the property transfer. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

This meeting is open for public comment. By registering to speak, you agree to be present during the meeting time. You will be called to speak by your name.

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