Meeting Time: November 19, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. Public Comment. Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters both on and off the Commission agenda. The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person. Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole. Virtual Public Comment Eligible when facilities are available. A speaker's viewpoint will not be restricted; however, reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place, and manner of speech. Irrelevant statements, unduly repetitious statements, and personal attacks that would objectively antagonize or incite others are examples of speech that may be reasonably limited. The Board of County Commissioners carries out the business of Washoe County and its residents during its meetings. The presiding officer may order a person be removed if the person's conduct or statements disrupt the order or safety of the meeting. Warnings about disruptive conduct or comments may or may not be given prior to removal. Furthermore, certain disruptions of a public meeting are criminal acts as defined under NRS 203.090 and/or NRS 203.119 which may result in prosecution in appropriate cases.

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    Bryan Senz 4 months ago

    I am in district 5 and I am disappointed that WC-1 failed. I believe that wording of WC-1 was designed to mislead the public about how library funding would be obtained. The measure would have simply been a continuation of the current funding strategy. Instead, the ballot measure was written to make it seem like new taxes would be levied. I and my children routinely use the libraries in Reno. We visit the North Valleys Library so much that the staff know my childrens' names. We love going to the story times and we spend hours hanging out and reading books together. It is a wonderful place and it should be protected and well funded. Additionally, as a veteran, I strongly believe that free access to knowledge and an educated public are hallmarks of a vibrant democracy.

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    Lauren Tullis 4 months ago

    The outcome of WC-1 is deeply upsetting to me as a regular user of public libraries. Libraries provide an essential resource for community engagement and information seeking. In many ways, I see this decision as the result of misinformation that will directly and negatively impact our community in the long-term, perhaps permanently. I ask you to ensure that our libraries continue to have our support, including the maintenance of their funding.

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    Conor Phelan 4 months ago

    I am saddened by the outcome of WC-1. I firmly believe libraries are essential community institutions that provide vital resources for students, job seekers, and small businesses, therefore supporting economic development and social mobility. Libraries directly strengthen social bonds and enrich cultural life. By investing in libraries, we invest in the future of our communities!

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    Shelly Lac 4 months ago

    I live in District 5 and am a regular user of the Northwest Reno library. I am writing to you today as a concerned member of our community and a strong supporter of our local libraries. I am disappointed with the results of WC-1. As you may be aware, libraries are essential public resources that provide much more than books. They are places of learning, community engagement, and personal development for individuals of all ages.

    I have a 2.5 year old son, Jackson. I have been taking him to Story Time since he was 18 months old. It has helped develop his literacy skills. I've seen his confidence grow as he learns to count and identify colors thanks to the librarians. Story Time is something that both of us look forward to every week. I attend many library events with Jackson.

    We love to borrow the Nevada State Park passes and visit the different state parks. I uses the Libby app frequently for e-books and audiobooks. We also like to borrow movies that aren't available streaming.

    With the current deficit, this will lead to staff layoffs, cuts to weekend and evening hours, fewer library events, severe reduction in purchase of new books, e-Books & databases, and possible closure of some branches. I urge you to prioritize funding for our libraries, so we can continue to have outstanding library service for all Washoe County residents to enjoy.

    Thank you for your time and consideration,

    Shelly Lac

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    Jane Grossman 4 months ago

    My name is Jane Grossman and I live in District 2. My parents were tremendous supporters of our local libraries and I want to honor this tradition by saying please keep our libraries well funded. Our libraries are critical for a well educated and informed public. Please keep the library's budget strong. I believe people didn't realize they were voting to defund something that supported our community well for so many years. Thank you.

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    Delana Pennington 4 months ago

    My name is Delana Pennington, I'm a resident of district 3 and I've been a patron of the library since I was two years old. My Grandmother and my Mother placed a great deal of value on raising a reader, and the library was the strongest tool in their toolbox, giving access to a volume of books that neither would have been able to afford on their own. I grew into a voracious reader, and the Sparks Library was my second home.
    I'm 27 now, and I am still a regular patron. I visit on a weekly basis, and benefit from not only physical books and movies, but Libby as well, which gives me access to audiobooks, ebooks, and magazine subscriptions. I enjoy the programming not just at Sparks Library, but also other locations; programs like adult art classes, movie screenings, and live performances. This week, I checked out seven books that I had placed on hold, including one that I had requested be added to the library's collection. I regularly request books to be added to the collection because I want to read them, and I believe that others would benefit from accessing them as well. These things are only possible when the library is funded at a level that respects the volume of readers and general patrons in our community.
    To lose access to the community and resources of the Washoe County Library System due to budget cuts would be an unnecessary and catastrophic tragedy for me on a personal level because 25 years later I am still reading at a volume my budget could not support, but it would also be an unnecessary catastrophic tragedy for the community. The parents who I see bringing their own small children to check out an armload of books each week, the elderly patrons who rely on librarians for help with technology, the teenagers who have a safe place to be after school to do their homework and socialize with one another, and for the librarians themselves, who would face reduced hours and their positions being cut entirely.
    Please, do not cut the library budget, it is an integral pillar of our community!

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    Scott Oliver 4 months ago

    County Comissioners,

    I am a District 1 resident and frequent user of the Downtown Reno Library. I was personally disappointed that Washoe County Question 1 did not pass. Of course the loss in funding will have a much broader impact in our community.

    Our libraries are a vital part of the social and cultural fabric of our region, as evidenced by visitation numbers (over 1 million each year). They offer access to a wide range of books, media, educational resources, cultural programs, employment assistance, free wi-fi and computer use; as well as welcoming, shared public spaces, and a sense of civic pride. Reductions in services will be felt most acutely by library employees and users who may not be able to find affordable alternatives to what our libraries offer.

    Simply put: Washoe County is a better place to live because of the services our libraries provide.

    The failure of WC-1 seems, at least in part, due to confusion over where the funding was coming from and wether or not it would increase taxes. We know that it would not increase taxes and we know that it would not disrupt funding for other county services. Please take action to ensure funding for the Washoe County Library System remains at its current level.

    Appreciatively, Scott Oliver

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    Naseem Jamnia 4 months ago

    My spouse and I are homeowners in District 3 and urge the commissioners to keep our public library system funded. The failure of WC-1 to pass was based on an unclearly worded question that did not state the tax override was being renewed and that taxes would be unaffected; it didn't help that the voter guide was mailed out weeks after people received their ballots. Furthermore, the Washoe County Republicans Voter Guide blatantly shared misinformation by writing: “Vote NO! Washoe County 1 (WC1) Mandates Property Taxes Go To Libraries. A “no” vote opposes the creation of a dedicated funding stream to the county libraries from your property taxes, which will cause your property taxes to be increased.” People love our libraries, and I strongly believe proper information and understanding of what people were voting for would have led to a different result.

    Public libraries are one of the last bastions of democracy—we cannot allow them to fail. Our county libraries are responsible for so much good. Please fully fund the library by mandating that those 2 cents (or more!) of every $100 assessed property value will continue to go to the library.

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    Sean ONeil 4 months ago

    The Washoe County Library System is a vital component of community that serves all walks of life. I am always astounded by the diversity of age groups interacting with the various libraries in our communities. I strongly believe that our libraries are popular, well loved, and that the wide majority would be opposed to any funding cuts. Clearly, there were issues with the wording of WC-1 that was manipulated to put the library system in jeopardy. Please continue to sustain the library system with at least the current levels of funding that have allowed our system to flourish.

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    Angela Smilanich 4 months ago

    Libraries are an essential part of a functional society and community. Please continue to support our public libraries in Washoe County.

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    Laura Wetherington 4 months ago

    My name is Laura Wetherington and I am a resident of District 2. My family's library branch is South Valleys, though we also frequent Sierra View and the Downtown library. I have been visiting Washoe County Libraries since the late 80s.

    Our son is learning to read, and we check out new books from the library every week. We depend on the library's books in his ever-expanding reading range, and have benefited from the wonderful Pokemon events and the Paws 2 Read program. My husband and I also frequently check out books and borrow movies. We are also both working through online courses in the Linked-In Learning service.

    I was deeply disappointed to see that the Washoe Republicans' website recommended their voters vote no on WC-1 with the reasoning that it would increase taxes: I strongly believe that with the correct information, many people would have supported the measure.

    I urge Commissioner Clark and the entire Washoe County Commission to allocate two cents for every $100 of assessed property value toward Washoe County Libraries. They are a wealth of resources for personal and professional enrichment of Washoe County residents as well as an investment in our children's literacy and therefore, their future.

    Thank you.

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    Madeleine Lohman 4 months ago

    I am a resident of District 1. I am writing to show my strong support for Washoe County public libraries and request that you preserve their funding.

    Our libraries are invaluable to our community. I cannot express how influential and important they've been in just my life, not to mention others. They are the reason I stayed in high school and eventually went to graduate school. They provided a safe place when my life was chaotic and gave me resources to thrive. They've cultivated my love of learning and literacy. This year alone, I've checked out 98 books on the Libby app alone, not including the books I've physically checked out as well. Growing up in Nevada, the library filled gaps in my education caused by the underfunding of our education system. My library helped me find friends through their community programs, access the internet when I didn't have it at home, and provide a place to play chess when I wanted to relax.

    The poor wording of proposition WC-1 and the disinformation surrounding it that indicated the proposition would increase taxes likely influenced the results for this question. Please preserve funding of Washoe county libraries in recognition of their necessary and integral roles in our community.

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    Marlene Haggblade 4 months ago

    My name is Marlene Haggblade, and I am a proud supporter of the Washoe County Library system. I am deeply disappointed that Question 1 did not pass, likely due to its confusing wording and misinformation suggesting that a "Yes" vote would increase taxes. Since this measure would not reduce Washoe County’s tax revenue, I strongly urge the Commissioners to maintain library funding at the same level as the past 30 years. Our public libraries are a vital resource for the community, and I hope you will prioritize preserving this essential service for all residents to enjoy and benefit from.

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    LAURA WADE 4 months ago

    My name is Laura Wade, and I live in District 1. I am writing to ask you to preserve Washoe County library funding. I grew up checking out stacks of library books from a very young age, and I still check out stacks of library books from the Downtown Reno library as a 33-year-old. I visit the Downtown Reno Library almost weekly and would not be able to afford to read at the rate I do without the library. Although my main use of the Washoe County library system is to borrow books, libraries are so much more than that. They create communities, are centers of learning, and offer essential services that our community desperately needs. Our libraries have far-reaching benefits to our communities and our future generations.
    The wording of proposition WC-1 was unclear, with many voters misunderstanding the purpose of WC-1 and that it would wrongly increase property taxes. This is not the case.
    I hope that you will make the preservation of library funding a priority in the upcoming Board of County Commissioners meeting.

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    Sara Sturtz 4 months ago

    County Commissioners – As a library cardholder for over four years and an avid user of the library app, Libby, I am deeply upset about the misinformation that surrounded WC-1 during the election season. The false claims made about this measure led many to mistakenly believe it would result in a new tax. Additionally, the wording on the ballot and in the voter guide was unclear, leaving many unaware that WC-1 was a continuation tax, not a new one.

    With literacy rates among K-12 students in Washoe County at approximately 42.3%—according to the Nevada Department of Education’s 2023-2024 report card—our community should be prioritizing increased funding and support for libraries. Libraries play a critical role in improving literacy, fostering education, and providing equitable access to resources. It is disheartening to see how poorly written ballot language and misinformation undermined public trust and jeopardized essential funding.

    I urge the Commission to prioritize clear, transparent communication and to actively support the Washoe County Libraries' initiatives that strengthen education and literacy in our county. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.

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    Matthew Forister 4 months ago

    Hello. I am a resident of District 1, and I am also an educator. I am writing to ask you to preserve funding for the Washoe Co Library System.

    Funding should continue at or above the previous level for this essential community resource. Our state already suffers in many ways from an under-supported educational system, and the availability of libraries plays a key role for both current students and for people trying to navigate the digital world of job applications (among other online systems that are not easy for many).

    The recent result with proposition WC-1 was likely an outcome of unclear wording rather than a real expression of the voters. Please act to preserve and improve our libraries.

    thanks for your consideration,
    Matt Forister

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    Hayley J Hageman 4 months ago

    I would like to state my support to keep funding our Libraries! Not only are our Libraries one of the last spaces you can be in without the expectation of spending any money, but it is a vital resource for free education. The Library not only provides many avenues of learning, but it also provides a safe space for ALL of our community. Growing up, the Library would be a weekly trip for us. It was exciting, and a huge highlight in my childhood! Because of free access to these books, I was reading a first grade level before I went to kindergarten. It helped me gain confidence to ask for help, it helped me learn to count by navigating the bookshelves and numbers, and it also gave me a sense of pride when I successfully found my books! All before the age of 6.
    As an adult in the library I have seen many kids like me, and many people from our community only benefiting from access to the Library. Not only does a Library provides books, but it also provides internet access which is a vital resource now a days that not everyone can access unless we keep our libraries OPEN! Not everyone has a computer or the internet at home, and it is essential for our unhoused and underprivileged neighbors to be able to access the internet for jobs, healthcare, housing, etc. Not everyone utilizes the access we have to our libraries, but it should be there for whenever someone DOES need access. Now, and in the future!

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    Barbara Guerin 4 months ago

    I am disheartened at the failure of WC-1 to be passed in the recent election. Although it is hard to say exactly why the measure was defeated, misinformation seems to have played a decisive role: the Washoe Republicans' Voter Guide, for example, which advocated a 'No' vote on WC-1, erroneously stated that a 'Yes' vote would have increased taxes in the County. (This is deeply troubling to me as I am a registered Republican.) In addition, the wording of the question on the ballot could certainly give the impression you were voting on a new tax - this potential misunderstanding was a central focus of the Yes on WC-1 campaign. WC-1 would have had no effect on the amount of property tax Washoe County residents pay. If people are given false information as part of official voting guides, we think it is worth raising the issue to the BCC.

    I have been a library card holder since my mom first took me to our local public library when I was in kindergarten. I did the same for my children and grandchildren. I cannot imagine a world where we did not have the vital services provided by the public library. I am regularly at the South Valleys library picking up, returning, or donating books. If I am not physically at the library, I am downloading e-books. Every time I am in the library or in the library website, I am amazed and grateful for all of the free books, magazines, newspapers, and computers which are at my disposal.

    I substitute teach in the Washoe County School District from time to time. I am saddened by and concerned about the lack of literacy among our youth. Understanding that libraries, and reading in general, compete for our childrens' time in a digitized world, I see the difference that a love of reading, (which is not innate, it needs to be cultivated) makes in a person's ability to succeed in the world.

    I implore you to vote for the continuation of a dedicated funding stream that will preserve public libraries for generations to come.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    John Tull 4 months ago

    I am requesting that the Commission take action to preserve funding for our public libraries. As all of you know, the recent ballot question was confusing and did not make it as clear as it should have been that the proposal was to preserve current funding without adding any new tax. Our libraries provide resources for everyone, regardless of political persuasion or other factors. This is a truly bipartisan issue, and I would like to count on each of you to step in and maintain the existing financial support that our libraries have been receiving. Respectfully, John Tull

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    Danna Hook 4 months ago

    I would like to state my support to continue funding our library system as you vote to allocate funds. Our public library system is a resource we can not loose. It’s not just books and magazines, our librarians support our whole community while also creating a community space. A space used by new moms, the elderly, teens, our under-resourced neighbors, everyone. I hope the confusing language on the ballot will not be the legacy of our libraries. Thank you.