Meeting Time: November 19, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. Public Comment. Comment heard under this item will be limited to three minutes per person and may pertain to matters both on and off the Commission agenda. The Commission will also hear public comment during individual action items, with comment limited to three minutes per person. Comments are to be made to the Commission as a whole. Virtual Public Comment Eligible when facilities are available. A speaker's viewpoint will not be restricted; however, reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place, and manner of speech. Irrelevant statements, unduly repetitious statements, and personal attacks that would objectively antagonize or incite others are examples of speech that may be reasonably limited. The Board of County Commissioners carries out the business of Washoe County and its residents during its meetings. The presiding officer may order a person be removed if the person's conduct or statements disrupt the order or safety of the meeting. Warnings about disruptive conduct or comments may or may not be given prior to removal. Furthermore, certain disruptions of a public meeting are criminal acts as defined under NRS 203.090 and/or NRS 203.119 which may result in prosecution in appropriate cases.

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    Constance Hanson 4 months ago

    My name is Constance Hanson, a resident of District 1 and regular user of both the Downtown/Main library and Sierra View. I am writing in support of the continued designated funding for Washoe County Libraries. As a longtime user ( 60+ years) of public libraries I am well aware of their critical role in communities as well as their importance on a personal level.
    As a child the library was my quiet space where I found sanctuary from my chaotic and financially stressed home. With the oversight of library staff I eagerly read about lives and places that inspired me to think beyond my circumstances and to vision what might be possible for me. Though strapped for funds, I applied to college and worked my way through - and more than one of my part-time jobs was in a library, either on campus or in the community.
    I became a teacher (grades K-8, all subjects) and made library use a regular part of my classroom curriculum. I saw that same Library magic happen for my students, many of whom came from backgrounds like mine, but also others who appreciated the chance to gather, use resources, and collaborate on their learning activities.
    When my children were born they were also introduced to the library: story hour, homework sessions (alone or in groups), and accessing the latest in technology and media. Both of my sons still are avid uses of public libraries and they are now passing that love of learning, reading, and books to my grandchildren.
    Washoe County Libraries are places to gather and learn - about our communities, our world, and ourselves. They provide opportunities for citizens to find both information and common ground, a necessary standing place for a functional society. I urge you to vote for a continuation of the funding stream that provides critical services for all Washoe County residents.

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    Elizabeth Leger 4 months ago

    Greetings, I am a resident of District 1, and an educator in Reno. I urge you to continue to fund the Washoe County Library System at at least the same, and preferably greater, level as it has received in the past. I believe that WC-1 was confusing as written, which led to the vote outcome.

    Libraries are essential for Nevada's young people, and the abundance of books and events helps create learning habits that serve them well in the future. In a state with very low education levels, we should be investing in our libraries rather than cutting them. Libraries are also essential for people who are transitioning out of joblessness and poverty, as they are the lifeline for the digital communication needed to navigate job applications, medical systems, housing applications, and so much more.

    Your constituents love our libraries and I ask that you continue to fund, if not increase funding, for this local resource!

    Thank you, Elizabeth Leger

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    Nathan Cole 4 months ago

    Hello Commissioners,

    I am a resident of District 1. I am writing to urge you to continue to fund the Washoe County Library System at the same or greater level as it has received for the last 30 years. Without this funding our local libraries will be forced to cut hours, services, and the ability to purchase necessary resources which are used by so many people every day.

    Free and ready access to public libraries are extremely important for the benefit of everyone in the community. Not only do libraries provide entertainment and learning, they also provide internet and assistance for students, teachers, parents, job seekers, and veterans. Libraries also are an excellent third space to foster community, whether it’s through events, book clubs, or outreach programs.

    I grew up visiting my local library and have fond memories delving into the stories I found there. As parents, my wife and I take our daughter to the library almost every week for story time and to check out books and DVDs. Please continue funding our libraries. Our community depends on it. Thank you for your time.

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    Jenna Cole 4 months ago

    My name is Jenna Cole and I am a resident of District 1. I am a Reno native and have such great memories of the library as a child and now as a parent. I loved the summer reading program growing up, and the events like parties for book releases or cool guest speakers. Now I take my toddler to story time each week, typically at the Northwest or Sierra View library, and she gets to experience the same magic of the libraries. She especially loved the Halloween events and now wants to visit the library even more! As a single income household, it is such a relief having free and safe activities to do with her, whether it's a scheduled event or just visiting the library to read and play. I also constantly have e-books on my phone from Libby and frequently use the library as a quiet place to get work done. Plus we've gotten into museums and state parks with our library cards! And this is all just the tip of the iceberg of the countless offerings the libraries provide. They are one of the last free resources and community spaces where you can be free to just exist, relax, learn, and connect with others. The library system is crucial to the well-being of our community. I urge you to continue funding the libraries at the full level. The past 30 years of growth and development of the library system have been great for my life, and I want the same for my daughter and everyone else in our community.

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    Tara de Queiroz 4 months ago

    I'm a Reno resident in District 1. I am writing to ask that the board fully fund Washoe County libraries. I've been using the WCLS for more than 20 years, and I honestly don't know what I would do without it. When my two children were small, we attended storytime with the wonderful librarians at the Northwest and Downtown libraries every week. We checked out piles and piles of books. During the pandemic, we used ebooks and audiobooks. I work from home and when I need a quiet place to work, I go to the library. We still attend library programs -- the Bias Inside Us exhibit and events associated with it were a highlight last year. I use the library's New York Times subscription. I use the library's LinkedIn Learning platform. My daughter is a library volunteer, and she wants to work there after college. There are several teens who volunteer on the weekend, and if the libraries are closed on weekends, they will be deprived of a wonderful opportunity. Whenever I go to the library, I see people enjoying themselves in one of the only places where it is free to spend time. We recently attended a hobbit terrarium craft program and there were kids and adults sharing craft supplies and chatting. Afterward, we worked on the community puzzle and chatted with an older gentlemen while we waited for our daughter to be done volunteering. There's not another place in our community where people come together like they do at the library.

    One last reason I don't want to see our libraries defunded -- it makes our community look bad. When people are considering moving their family or business to a new community, a functioning library system is one thing that people are looking for. We've got a wonderful library system now, let's keep it funded!

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    Arnold Maurins 4 months ago

    Our names are Arnold and Catherine Maurins. We live in District 4, and are regular users of the Spanish Springs Library. In our view, it was unfortunate that Washoe County Question 1 was voted down. While we cannot read the mind of any particular voter, it would be reasonable to assume that, because of the wording in the ballot question, some individuals may have voted “No” because they believed a “Yes” vote would cause an increase in their taxes, which is NOT the case.

    That issue aside, we feel strongly that the Library System should continue to receive funding at a level comparable to what it has received over the last 30 years. Our libraries are visited over 1 million times each year. They offer a wide range of books, media, educational and cultural programs, assistance to job seekers, free wi-fi, and so much more.

    Our concern is that, should the Library System lose the entire 2-cents-per-$100-assessed value allocation that it has been receiving since 1995, service and hours reductions will be made that disproportionately impact those library users who can least afford to lose what our libraries offer and who may not be able to obtain those services elsewhere.

    Please consider maintaining the Library System’s funding level where it currently is, so that all County residents can continue to benefit from its resources and services. Washoe County is a better place to live because of what our libraries offer, and, as our population grows, we need to maintain and even increase the level of service that they provide.

    Thank you.

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    Amy Pulver 4 months ago

    My name is Amy Pulver. I'm a Reno resident in District 1. I request that you continue to allocate two cents from every $100 of assessed property value in Washoe County for our Washoe County Library system, as has been the practice for the past 30 years. Our libraries are important civic assets that provide a myriad of resources and services to a diverse population, many of whom rely on these resources for job searches, accessing social services, and Internet access.

    I regularly use both the downtown library and the Northwest branch for checking out books, doing research, and attending community events. I also use the Libby app to access e-books. When I am in the libraries, I see people being helped by committed, knowledgeable staff; I see people accessing 3-D printers to create projects; I see children enjoying story hours; I see people looking for jobs and accessing e-mail. Libraries are one of the last places in our community that welcome everyone.

    The cuts that will take place in June if this funding is cut are truly draconian. The funding must be continued to keep staff, retain library hours that serve the public, and to purchase resources (books, periodicals, subscriptions, e-books, equipment) that are used by so many each day.

    Thank you for your consideration. I urge you to retain the funding for our library system.

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    Laurel Suter 4 months ago

    My name is Laurel Suter and I am writing to request that the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners continue to fund the Washoe County Public Library system at the same level it received under the library expansion fund. Our family includes two 5th grade girls and we've visited almost all of the libraries in the Washoe County system as we've taken advantage of the offerings at each location. We've been to STEM events, craft events, lectures, live performances, live performances in partnership with the Pioneer Center, holiday celebrations, PAWS to read events (beginner readers read to a service dog)... the list goes on and on. Just this weekend we saw a magician perform at the Sierra View library as part of the Spellbinders series, then we saw a wonderful magic show at the Pioneer Center.

    And then of course there are the books. My twin 10 year olds are avid readers and most of their reading material has come from the Washoe County Public Library. Please, nobody tell them that their tablets are basically designed for toddlers, with their thick puffy cases in place to prevent cracking when dropped. The functionality of their tablets is severely limited, but they don't care because they can use the Libby app on their tablets and have access to the eBooks offered by the Washoe County Public Library. They are reading on them right now as I type this. We also check out many physical books, and they have read almost all juvenile graphic novels in the Washoe County Public Library collection. That is part of the reason we visit different libraries, to see what different graphic novels different branches have. Graphic novels were their transition from picture books to chapter books, and while they do read chapter books they still love graphic novels. They are reading at a high school level (they're 10!) and I attribute that largely to the great offerings provided by Washoe County Public Library, both in physical and eBook forms. Future book acquisitions would be imperiled by a lack of funding if the library budget were slashed. For this reason, and for all the wonderful programs put on at the library, our family asks you to continue funding the Washoe County Public library at its current level.

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    Greta de Jong 4 months ago

    Please do not cut funding for the Washoe County Library System, which would lead to severe underfunding and reduced services. Public libraries are essential to democracy. They provide access to information and knowledge for all, along with public programs that bring citizens from diverse backgrounds together to learn about the world and each other. I am a history professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, and I have given many talks at libraries throughout the Washoe County system. Sharing my expertise with audiences who might never set foot in a college classroom is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work. Keeping these opportunities freely available to everyone is vital for a healthy society, especially in an era of increasing income inequality that has placed higher education out of reach for many people. I am concerned about the impact that reduced library hours and staffing could have on our community.

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    Hailey Jorgensen 4 months ago

    I am commenting to express my support to the Washoe County Library system and to encourage the board to continue their full allocation from the general fund. I am a local tax payer and regular patron of both the Downtown and North Valleys locations.

    As many of us know, the library is more than a building with books. When we look at the role the library plays in the lives of everyday people, the library is access itself. In my own life, I've accessed knowledge in books I couldn't afford to buy, community in events my introvert heart was brave enough to try, expression in artist showcases welcoming to creators of all kinds, play in the clever and charming escape rooms hosted at North Valleys, and kindness in the library staff who have always been warm and helpful. Knowledge, community, expression, play, and kindness - all accessed through the library, for free. But of course, free is only free because of funding. As talented and creative as I have seen the library staff to be, funding is what facilitates access, what enables the library to be so much more than a building with books. When I think of the library's future without WC-1's budgetary guarantee, I mourn not only my experiences, but the experiences of thousands and thousands of other patrons whose access to safety, support, acceptance and more would close off without proper funding. To refuse to allocate the library's full, thirty-year historic allocation would be a needlessly punishing fate to a beautiful institution and the people it serves.

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    Rosanna Zuckerman 4 months ago

    Please continue allocating funding to Washoe Country Libraries. I attended two wonderful events over the past two weekends at the library -- the Local Author Fest downtown and Dave Maass' presentation at the Northwest branch. Both were well-attended on Saturdays. The Local Author Fest, in particular, could not have happened without funding -- the event was very well-staffed (and consequently ran smoothly), and though it was busy for the entire event, it wrapped up perfectly on-time and without incident.

    It would be a tragedy for our community not to have access to these free weekend events that encourage us, in a world of screens, to open a book. I believe the wording of WC-1 was confusing and that if the public had understood this was not a new tax but a continuation of an existing tax -- which would be paid regardless -- the question would have passed. Losing this funding will be detrimental to our community -- let's continue to encourage youth and adults alike to read, learn, and grow instead of cutting library hours, staffing, and book budgets.

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    Catherine Lan Wynen 4 months ago

    Please don't cut the budget of the Washoe County library system.
    The library provides free access to a vast world of knowledge and stories, allowing me to explore new interests, learn new things, and simply escape into a good book, all within a quiet and welcoming space. It will significantly impact my life if the county cut the library system's budget. I heard many friends say they didn't understand the wording of Proposition WC-1, so they voted against it. Please save the budgets of the libraries.

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    Kate Whitfield 4 months ago

    As a happy and supportive Washoe County Library patron, I was disappointed that Question 1 did not pass. I expect that the failure to pass was due to the confusing wording of the Question, with many people thought that voting Yes would have increased their taxes or that a No vote would reduce their taxes. Of course, the Question was not an Up or Down on taxes but rather it was a request that the distribution of a small part of current taxes continue to be directed to funding our community libraries as had been the case for 30 years. People of all political stripes are disheartened that library funding will not continue as before and this loss of funding will likely result in fewer library services for all of our community. Library staff and acquisitions will be cut and there may be cuts to the hours of operation for the branches and some branches may face closure. Our public libraries are vital to our community and all age groups will be negatively affected from preschool and school kids and their parents to senior citizens who rely on their libraries for social and intellectual activities (book clubs, art exhibits and presentations) and even shut-ins (and others) for whom Libby the free kindle app provides access to fiction and nonfiction that would otherwise be beyond their reach.
    Since the wording on Question 1 was at best unclear (even for a retired attorney) and the No on Question 1 did not take tax revenue away from Washoe County, I implore all of our Commissioners to ensure continued library services for all of your constituents by approving the same library funding as has been in place for the past 30 years for at least the next fiscal year. Thank you for considering continued funding for the Washoe County Library system which is an essential community service.

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    Candice Schubert 4 months ago

    My name is Candice Schubert. I live in Sparks, District 4. I am writing in support of maintaining the necessary funding required for the Washoe County Library System. Our libraries play a vital role in our community serving the needs of all our residents - to inform, educate, entertain and provide a safe place for people to relax and read. I think it is essential we continue to support our libraries. Thank you.

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    Miranda Sanford 4 months ago

    Hello Commissioners,

    My name is Miranda Sanford, and I am a Washoe County resident living in District 3. I strongly support funding for the Washoe County Library System and respectfully request that you continue to allocate two cents from every $100 of assessed property value in Washoe County to our libraries.

    A reduction in library hours, budget, services, and staff would be detrimental to our community. Libraries are a cornerstone of our society and a vital resource for thousands of Washoe County residents. They deserve to be funded to the fullest extent of their operational needs.

    Please represent your constituents by voting to maintain full funding for our libraries.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    Amanda Fischer 4 months ago

    As a resident of over 30 years, and a home owner in Reno, I am asking the board to continue funding for our Washoe County libraries. I want my tax dollars to support libraries. Supporting the library is a non partisan issue. It is a safe space for all to learn, explore, and grow for free. This resource is needed for people of all ages and backgrounds. It is so unfortunate that many people misunderstood the wording on the ballot and that it has come to this, but we have the opportunity to continue our support.

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    Nora Pizzella 4 months ago

    I ask the board to please continue funding the library system at the same level and do not cut funding. The library provides invaluable resources to everyone in our community. The library provides a safe place where everyone is welcome. It is a place where people can learn and expand their knowledge. It is a pillar of our community that requires adequate funding in order to continue supporting the needs of the Washoe County community. I urge the council to continue funding the library system at the current level and not reduce funding. Thank you.

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    Scott Hermes 4 months ago

    As a resident of Reno, a taxpayer, and frequent user of the Washoe Public Library, I would like the board to please continue funding the library at current levels. A library is a valuable public resource that serves everyone but benefits those of have nowhere else to go. They are centers of learning. They support job seekers and small businesses. They encourage our children to think and dream.

    I can think of no better use of our tax dollars than to continue to support this institution that makes our community better.

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    Melissa Fant 4 months ago

    Dear Board of County Commissioners

    My name is Melissa Fant, and I'm a Reno resident in District 5. I'm writing to ask that you continue to allocate two cents from every $100 of assessed property value in Washoe County for our Washoe County Library system. A reduction in library hours, book budget, services, and staff will be detrimental to our community, especially our children.

    My two young children and I visit the Northwest Library weekly and check out at least 20 books per week. Every time my children express a new interest or ask questions about something I don't have the answers to, I open up the Washoe County Library system website and place holds on books to support their learning.

    We are a homeschooling family, and we depend upon our library system to supplement my children's learning. Many of the curriculums we use are picture book-based due to their young age, and I've been pleasantly surprised that our incredible library system carries most of the books we need for their studies. If we had to purchase all of those books, it would be much more expensive to homeschool in Washoe County.

    One of the top reasons I consider Reno such a wonderful place to raise a family is our amazing library system. In addition to books, of course, the library hosts educational events, safe places for children to gather after school, computers for those who can't afford their own, and so much more. The current library hours allow everyone in our community to access this resource. Losing weekend and evening hours will negatively impact children who attend school and people who work weekday and daytime hours.

    I was disappointed to see how convoluted the WC-1 language was on the ballot. It was misleading, and many voters were confused. Even as someone who was actively involved in the Yes on WC-1 campaign this fall, I had to re-read the ballot language a few times and it still sounded like a new tax. My children don't understand why people in our county don't support full funding for our library system. Please don't further disappoint them by taking away funding from such a wonderful community resource that our family depends on. Please fully fund the Washoe County Library system.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Oscar Williams 4 months ago

    RE: Canvass of the Vote

    There is legal precedent that preserves a public official's vote as protected speech be it a canvass of an election or whatever.

    “The State District Court denied the petition, but the Nevada Supreme Court reversed, holding that voting is protected speech,” Nevada Commission on Ethics v. Carrigan, 564 U.S. 117 (2011). Mr. Carrigan was a Sparks City Councilman whose case set legal precedent applicable today.

    In addition, NRS 293.387 is not facially clear other than a duty to accuracy: 'the true vote cast.'

    The board of commissioners has a clear duty to the people who elected them and pay their salaries through taxes.

    “(T)he county board is bound to consider the interests of all of its citizens,” Clark Cnty. V. City of Las Vegas, 92 Nev. 323, 550 P.2d 779 (citing McDonough v. Roach, 35 N.J. 153, 171 A.2d 307 at 309-310 (1961). Local jurisdictions have autonomy to address matters of local concern. County and city elections are of local concern.

    To not reconcile public concerns that are specific and serious could be considered gross negligence.

    To certify an inaccurate result could be perjury.

    Please, vote your conscience.