Meeting Time: January 16, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

21. Public hearing: Pro Pony, LLC's appeal of the Washoe County Board of Adjustment's failure to approve Special Use Permit Case Number WSUP23-0029 and opposing neighbor Jill Brandin's appeal, filed to preserve her right to judicial review. Pro Pony, LLC requests approval of a special use permit to bring an existing legal non-conforming commercial stable to board 35 horses into conformance with Washoe County Code and to allow for the construction of a 13,500 SF indoor riding arena structure. Pro Pony, LLC is also requesting modifications to remove the requirement for paved parking surfaces to allow non-paved surfaces (110.410.25(e)) and to waive landscape standards for commercial uses (110.412.40(a-d)). The applicant and property owner is Pro Pony, LLC. The address is 3400 Holcomb Ranch Lane (Silver Circle Ranch) in Reno. The Assessor's Parcel Number is 040-670-12. The Board of County Commissioners shall consider the appeal based on the record and any testimony and materials submitted at the public hearing. The Board of County Commissioners may approve or deny the special use permit. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    Dexter Witmer 11 months ago

    I support the plan to build the indoor riding arena at Silver Circle Ranch. For the last few years, I have seen many of the ways this property is being appreciated and cherished. The devotion of the Students and Trainers of Pro Pony has already produced a palpable love for the Silver Circle Ranch and the values it teaches. With the ability to ride indoor, the people who have already derived so much appreciation from the Silver Circle Ranch can continue their dedications in the safest and most consistent manner.

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    Liz Reader 11 months ago

    The people opposed to the project state that the commercial use at the Silver Circle Ranch is illegal, intensive and that the number of horses allowed has increased. They claim that the site is ill suited to build an uninhabited building with a dirt floor due to the flood plain, that a commercial use is not allowed in our HDR zone, that events should not be allowed, that traffic has increased “hundred fold”, and that the business is detrimental to the surrounding area.

    Would it be unreasonable to examine these beliefs in more detail?
    Let’s look at the facts - all of these are public record:

    FACT: The SCR has been in existence for 50+ years, and while the WC code changed around the ranch, the property has maintained it’s original use. In the 90’s a commercial stables business license became required, and this property has had one ever since.

    FACT: Pro-pony has an active business license for commercial stables and their use is legal non-conforming. However to modernize the facility with the addition of an indoor arena an SUP is required.

    FACT: building in a flood plain is common in the Reno/Sparks area, and the county engineers will require all code to be met prior to issuing a building permit.

    FACT: Until April 2023 the SCR had NO LIMIT on the number of horses the site was allowed to house, and 33 stalls have existed on the site since the ‘70’s, plus fields that housed horses and cattle. 23-25 have been housed since 2020, and Pro-Pony worked with WC to limit the number to 35.

    FACT: Per WC code a commercial stable is allowed in an HDR zone with an SUP - or with a grandfathered legal non-conforming use, which Pro-Pony has.

    FACT: All events are permitted and held to the same code regulations as any other HDR parcel.

    FACT: NDOT annual traffic data for Holcomb Ranch Ln shows an annual decline in traffic counts since 2019 - Pro-pony moved in 2019.

    FACT: WC staff reports state that all conditions for the SUP have been met, and recommends approval with standard conditions.

    Outside of these facts, there are many opinions on both sides of this topic. We are not seeking to increase the number of allowed horses, or the use, we simply want to add 4 walls and a roof to cover our existing horses and riders.

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    Bryan Mcdaniel 11 months ago

    This indoor arena is much needed in south Reno. The ability to train without interruption year round in south Reno will benefit all riders young and old. Silver Circle Ranch has been operating as a horse training facility for many years. The addition of this new indoor training arena would enhance and preserve the proud legacy of Silver Circle Ranch.

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    Shawn Skillman 11 months ago

    Let Silver Circle Ranch have an indoor ring! This is a good thing for Reno’s Equestrian community! Thank you.

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    Charles Reader 11 months ago

    I am in support of building the indoor riding area on the Historic Silver Circle Ranch. As I am sure others have and will point out, this will not change the day to day operations of the ranch. It will just provide an indoor building that allows riders to have a safe and protected space to use when weather presents challenges. I know people opposed to this project will claim that building this indoor riding arena will expand the business, and the building will be a large monstrosity, but this could not be further from the truth. The building will have a smaller foot print that most homes and garages in the neighborhood, and is 6 feet shorter than the maximum allowed height. It sits low in a grove at the bottom of the property and less than 10' will be above the level of the road. The building will sit below the canopy of the mature cottonwood trees and be very well screened.

    At the Board of Adjustment meeting, neighbors opposed to the project claimed that you could "park" 2 commercial jet airplanes inside the building. I don't know if they have ever actually seen a commercial jet airplane or are just ignorant, and unaware of the facts about the building which have been available since the start of the project, but if built, a single 737 would not be able to fit inside of it, unless it were in many, many, many smaller pieces.

    The day-to-day operations of the business will also not change, and they have not changed since Pair of Aces Stables moved in in 2019. There was not a single complaint about the business, the traffic, the horses, the events, manure, flies or anything else until after Pro-Pony applied for the SUP to build an indoor arena in Dec 2021.

    In my opinion, if you follow the facts, and the history of the neighborhood, it is clear that those in opposition to the project have not been willing to listen to the information and facts presented by Pro-Pony but instead are drowning in their own rhetoric without any interest in the truth.

    Ultimately the project, according to Washoe County Staff, meets every finding, is within the legal scope of the area, will adhere to all WC engineering code in order to be built, and should be approved.

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    Wendy Brownlee 11 months ago

    Please approve this much needed indoor riding arena for our SNHSA horse show association. As a fellow trainer, I realize just how vital a safe consistent training program is for riders and their horses. Vote in FAVOR AND APPROVE.

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    Kelsey Sabo 11 months ago

    This arena will be a great asset to the community, and construction of the indoor arena as well as permitting gravel instead of paved parking will keep riders and horses safe. This property is and always has been an equestrian facility. There is no reason to prevent this reasonable development.

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    Kelly Aguirre 11 months ago

    I am supportive of the opening of the indoor arena. What a great opportunity for all to learn riding and safety skills for all ages .How awesome this would be right here in South reno !!! What a beautiful location and amazing people taking this on for all to gain the knowledge and skills to riding and handling of such beautiful animals .me and my family are 100 percent supporting this arena .thank you .

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    Sonia Linares 11 months ago

    Approving the build of this indoor area will provide a safer space for the kids to ride in the hot summer months and the cold long winters.

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    Armani WalkerBirnes 11 months ago

    My daughter rides at Pair of Aces, riding and being part of the Pair of Aces community is where my daughter is her happiest and it enriches her life deeply. Having the arena will make a world of difference in building courage and confidence for all the riders and will increase the safety for our riders and horses especially in the winter months.

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    Sarah Bartholomew 11 months ago

    I urge the commissioners to carefully review all the data revolving the scrutiny of the indoor facility! The proposed indoor arena complies with all laws and regulations. The property, historically designated for horses, has hosted Silver Circle Ranch and has operated as a business for many years! Becoming a staple to our city! This change maintains the licensed business's operations without impacting its existing parameters.

    As a long time Reno Native - it is imperative to maintain our communities culture! Southwest Reno is facing a lot of residential changes that already is deteriorating the atmosphere that has made that area so vulnerable as it is.

    We need to be active about growing our community in ways the enrich our culture and offering year round riding opportunities in a safe and warm indoor facility does just that. This is a delicate matter! Please do the right thing.

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    Wayne Kerr 11 months ago

    My daughter rode horses at Silver Circle for years. Her training has paid dividends to all aspects of her life today. Our daughter was able to ride throughout the pandemic, which was her saving grace.

    The only disadvantage to the program/facility as it stands now is the lack of an indoor riding facility. Harsh winters led to disruption in learning and the advancement of riding skills. Training outdoors also posed a safety risk for riders and horses alike. In our area, in order for riders to develop and train year around, they need access to an indoor area.

    I have seen the plans for the arena and this single level, indoor riding facility sits back on the property, away from the road and will be barely visible to passers by. In fact there are many larger homes and properties that are highly visible and quite out of place for the area. This facility will not be housing more horses, only exercising the one’s already on property in the barn across the grounds. The arena aesthetics are in keeping with the established facilities already onsite and in the area.

    In this day and age, we need more kids riding horses and this indoor arena will ensure future generations of riders can continue to learn year-around in our difficult climate.

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    Julane Wehbe 11 months ago

    I think this e-comment platform’s drawback is that only our names and not where we live will appear and then our “vote” will be reflected in a “pie”. I’d like to remind the commissioners that the applicant has been rallying support from those all over Reno, Sparks, Washoe Valley, etc. for about 3 years. It’s vastly different on the opposition side. This seems to me to be somewhat of a skewed system. Many neighbors in the surrounding area of Pro Pony either do not know what is going on or choose to be indifferent as to not “rock the boat”.
    Please take the above into consideration when you make your decision.

    I am a local resident of Pro Pony and have concerns about traffic and safety issues as I feel that the commercial changes to the property could have an adverse impact.
    I am very fond of horses and enjoy seeing them and the riders at the property as I drive by. Also, I feel that a property owner should be able to do what they want to with their land as long as it is within the zoning.

    In 1973, a business license was issued at the property for the boarding and riding use by a handful of horse owners on 55 acres and is situated along a narrow 2 lane road known as Holcomb Ranch Lane/SR 671. The Reno/Sparks metro area had a combined population of 117,000 at that time. Now the property is 12.5 acres and will offer paid riding lessons with 25 horses, maybe up to 35 if approved and the combined Reno/Sparks combined population is now 531,000. The road is the same narrow 2 lane road. In principle, it seems that this could be an unsafe situation as so many cars, trucks, and trailers will be going in and out of this riding lesson business that probably will surely grow with the indoor arena. Sometimes there are just a few cars on Holcomb Ranch then at other times, it is extremely busy let alone having bicyclists and runners on it almost year round.

    I believe the applicant must submit a traffic generation letter to the county so that a Nevada engineer can prepare a traffic impact letter and I am not sure if this has been done yet.

    Please consider this in making your decision. As we all know, once this goes forward it cannot be undone and the future impact could be negative if not harmful.

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    Jean Janiga 11 months ago

    The indoor arena being proposed adheres to all laws and regulations. The area has been horse property for decades. Silver Circle Ranch has had horses and a business license for many years. The addition of an indoor does not change the number of horses, only their location during winter months. The indoor area will not change the number of horses, the waste, the noise, or the traffic. You literally take the same horses that are already there and move them inside for certain months of the year. It does not change anything about the business that is already licensed to operate there.

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    JULIE WINKEL 11 months ago

    As a fellow business owner of an equestrian facility in Washoe County I am very much in favor of allowing an indoor riding arena to be constructed in this area. With our Nevada winters it is nearly impossible to run a horse training and riding lesson program without an enclosed structure. Horses require year-round care and riders need continuous training to progress at a reasonable rate. Thanks for your consideration!

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    Jennifer Simonds 11 months ago

    Silver circle ranch expansion/indoor arena is the best thing that can happen for the horse community. I know there are other surrounding properties but there is no other like this! My daughter learned the beginning stages of horsemanship on Landess Witmer’s property with her wonderful horses, Landess teaching and guiding her, and the saddle club community. It has brought her so much love, companionship, confidence as a young teenager, not to mention so much joy for me experiencing this passion together. We 100% support this community! They embraced us and we embrace them and all that continues to share the majestic beauty of the relationship between human and horse and all creatures! I grew up with horses but never have I met a group of dedicated people who truly care about the well being of their riders as much as their horses.

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    Mike Hamel 11 months ago

    I am in full opposition of this request for an extremely large metal structure that will be used for profit with little or no concern of the surrounding health components. Not only will surrounding irrigation ditches be compromised with added water distribution causing sooner then normal overflowing and flooding but also will jeopardize the water quality of all residential domestic drinking wells that every surrounding residents relies upon.

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    Joseph Giddings 11 months ago

    There are already numerous horse operations within the area that can meet everything pro pony wants to do. Its location is in a watershed and access improvement will be needed from a state road if it is allowed full operation. With a medium density housing project planned for next door now, the commission needs to decide if this will be rural/ag land use or residential expansion use of county land.

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    Buzz Harris 11 months ago

    I would like to strongly urge your support for this item as it meets all the finds. This is a well thought out project and would be a great addition to our community. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Eric Zetlin 11 months ago

    I strongly support the approval of Pro Pony's Special Use Permit. Over the past year, Pro Pony has addressed all issues concerning the construction, engineering, flood control, and environmental impacts. Pro Pony used all public meeting comments to meet and/or exceed the requirements and all suggested remediations. Reviews by NDOT validated the project will not increase the current level of traffic into the facility. The low profile indoor riding structure will simply support the existing operations of the boarding facility. The structure will provide a safe environment for the facility boarders to ride during inclement weather. Due to the positioning of the building, it will not impact visibility along Holcomb Road. The engineering requirements for the building include an extensive flood plan control to improve the flow of water through the entire area, which is beneficial to the surrounding neighborhood.