Meeting Time: January 16, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

21. Public hearing: Pro Pony, LLC's appeal of the Washoe County Board of Adjustment's failure to approve Special Use Permit Case Number WSUP23-0029 and opposing neighbor Jill Brandin's appeal, filed to preserve her right to judicial review. Pro Pony, LLC requests approval of a special use permit to bring an existing legal non-conforming commercial stable to board 35 horses into conformance with Washoe County Code and to allow for the construction of a 13,500 SF indoor riding arena structure. Pro Pony, LLC is also requesting modifications to remove the requirement for paved parking surfaces to allow non-paved surfaces (110.410.25(e)) and to waive landscape standards for commercial uses (110.412.40(a-d)). The applicant and property owner is Pro Pony, LLC. The address is 3400 Holcomb Ranch Lane (Silver Circle Ranch) in Reno. The Assessor's Parcel Number is 040-670-12. The Board of County Commissioners shall consider the appeal based on the record and any testimony and materials submitted at the public hearing. The Board of County Commissioners may approve or deny the special use permit. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    Mary Fiala 8 months ago

    As a neighbor and horsewomen I support this plan. The indoor arena is such a small footprint and completely fits into the neighborhood. I have been on sight and reviewed the plans - it is the right thing for the community! The owner and staff are genuinely good people. I cannot say enough how much I believe this is the right thing for Washoe County.

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    Bobbi Metzger 8 months ago

    This is a worthwhile venture that will benefit many average people, not the wealthy neighbors living on their 2 1/2 acre estates. Please support the upgrade of this horse property. Thank You.

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    Mikala McHardy 8 months ago

    I am in support of this project. Kids need a safe place to ride in inclement weather.

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    Michelle Greene 8 months ago

    As a Reno area local horse trainer and riding instructor since 2007, I strongly support the building of an indoor riding arena at the Historic Silver Circle Ranch. Having ridden, shown, taught lessons and trained horses in all types of northern nevada weather, I can attest to the importance of having access to indoor facilities that provide a safe place to work with horses during inclement weather. I have ridden in the area of the Silver Circle Ranch for more than 15 years and know the area well. The covering of the existing arena will, in no way, detract from the beauty of the area, it will simply provide a safe place for riders and trainers to work with their horses. As with any other athletes, it is important for the horses and riders to be able to maintain their physical condition during the winter months.
    This project has met or exceeded the requirements and all suggested remediations over the last year. All issues concerning the construction, engineering, flood control, and environmental impacts have been appropriately addressed.
    I urge you to approve this project.

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    Travis Adlington 8 months ago

    This is a very beneficial project for both the equestrian community & the community at large. I have known the Witmers a long time and a more responsible and giving couple you will be hard pressed to find
    I STRONGLY support the Witmers in this & believe no one is harmed by allowing them to construct this arena

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    Cheryl Adlington 8 months ago

    I am in favor of allowing the building to enclose the arena. The enclosure will not bring more traffic as there is already an arena there.
    I believe that no-one is harmed by this action and the lives of those who own ProPony are greatly enhanced. The people and the horses will benefit greatly.

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    J Lynne Liebelt 8 months ago

    I strongly support the Special Use Permit. Equestrian facilities in the area are surprisingly limited, and improving one would be highly desired by many. Having ridden and trained at facilities with indoor arenas, I can affirm that comfort and safety are vastly improved by cover. I understand that traffic, appearance, and water control have been addressed, and I appeal to you to allow the indoor arena, and so provide major benefits to those who train and ride at the facility now and in the future.

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    Jenna McAmis 8 months ago

    Please approve the SCR indoor arena.

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    Joan Buckler 8 months ago

    I strongly support the approval of Pro Pony's Special Use Permit. Over the past year, Pro Pony has addressed all issues concerning the construction, engineering, flood control, and environmental impacts. Pro Pony used all public meeting comments to meet and/or exceed the requirements and all suggested remediations. Reviews by NDOT validated the project will not increase the current level of traffic into the facility. The low profile indoor riding structure will simply support the existing operations of the boarding facility. The structure will provide a safe environment for the facility boarders to ride during inclement weather. Due to the positioning of the building, it will not impact visibility along Holcomb Road. The engineering requirements for the building include an extensive flood plan control to improve the flow of water through the entire area, which is beneficial to the surrounding neighborhood.

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    Kim Hodge 8 months ago

    I support this indoor arena! First my daughter has been riding with Liz since she was 4yo. She has gained so much confidence and strength since she started. Riding with Liz has given my daughter amazing communication skills. She has learned how to read her horse’s body language and interpret how she is going to move next. Winters in Nevada are harsh. The outdoor arenas are amazing but when it is snowing, raining, windy, or icy, it is unsafe for the riders and the horses to ride outside. First and foremost the indoor arena would give everyone a safe place to ride. The issue of traffic being unsafe coming and going from the indoor arena is silly. There is a huge construction project just down the road. Why are people not upset about that? They took out a beautiful field and are building a giant compound. This indoor arena would NOT change the traffic flow, as it would not increase the number of students! The indoor arena is small and there is not enough room for a large class. Again, the indoor arena is small, and would NOT obstruct anyone’s view as it would literally be hidden by most of the trees. They have already planted more trees to make up for the very few that would have to be removed (most of which are damaged or dying anyway). Please pay attention to the FACTS and not the emotions of the people against this. Facts should be how you decide this issue. Thank you.

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    Sara Delaney 8 months ago

    Creating an indoor riding arena is essential for fostering the growth and development of young equestrians. This dedicated space will provide a safe and controlled environment, allowing our young riders to hone their skills, build confidence, and form lasting connections with their equine partners. Your support ensures a nurturing space where passion meets practice, shaping the future of these aspiring riders

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    Carolyn Jarboe 8 months ago

    Please approve the SCR indoor arena project. Equestrians need an indoor arena in this neighborhood.

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    Elle Morrison 8 months ago

    As a mom and volunteer involved with my children's schools, I know the value of a safe training space and a place for children to learn to enjoy the power of the horse. I am in support of Silver Circle Ranch updating their arena for the weather we get here in Reno, and understand the importance of having a safe riding place year-round. I am reaching out to share my support, and ask you to vote in favor of this community indoor arena. We need to help provide children a place to ride safely year-round. This simple matter of personal property rights can be an asset to our whole community.

    There will not be any changes or increase in traffic as we're just providing a safe venue for the riders & horses. The arena is too small to host a competition in it. The project meets EVERY Washoe County Staff finding, is completely legal - and should be approved. This project speaks to our NV roots and our rural community - it is who we are as a community.

    NV Lt. Governor Anothony was interested in the work done with therapy horses for our Vets that are located down the street from Silver Circle Ranch. I'm sure he would appreciate the safe environment for our children. My daughter Aubrey has become friends with two special needs students that are learning alot from their riding and working with the horses at Silver Circle Ranch. These opportunities for our children are priceless learning experiences.

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    Natalie Davidson 8 months ago

    I am in full support of this project. The area has grown with people and not grown with Equestrian programs. Silver Circle has been an amazingly supportive location to the local equestrian community. Please approve this project as it will add value to our equestirna community in addition to allow kids to ride safely all year long.

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    Madeline Baeckel 8 months ago

    I am writing to support Silver Circle Ranch’s proposal for an indoor arena. This arena would help many riders in the community so much, including myself. Horses are such a huge benefit to mental health, and as a teen in this day and age, I know firsthand the struggles of mental health and I can confidently say that horses have helped me when i’ve been at my lowest mentally. Winter especially is always such a difficult time of year for me because my interaction with these incredible animals is limited because of weather. This indoor arena would help horses and riders be able to connect and interact in safe conditions regardless of the season and weather. Having an indoor arena would bring nothing but benefits to the community.

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    Nancy Burtard 8 months ago

    Please approve the indoor arena project.

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    Kimm Rombardo 8 months ago

    Dear commissioners -

    We wanted to express our support of an indoor arena at our riding facility off of Holcomb Ranch Rd. We are horse enthusiasts and the creation of the indoor arena would allow my daughter and I to enjoy the sport regardless of weather. Also, the proposed arena would be in the same space as the current back arena, would fit into the surrounding area and therefore would have only positive benefits to the community. We appreciate your consideration for this much needed enhancement to our current facility.

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    Jennifer Herz 8 months ago

    I am writing in support of Silver Circle Ranch's proposal to build an indoor arena. With the loss of Rancharrah equestian center, people need a place that provides safe, year round riding. There is no other such facility in the area. The proposed arena building at Silver Circle Ranch would provide a space for year-round training and lessons. It fits with the area's rural character and it embraces our western culture. I would rather see an equestian center on Holcomb Ranch Road than yet another housing subdivision.
    Please vote in support of this project.

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    Valerie Williams 8 months ago

    I am writing to support Pro Pony's appeal. The Silver Circle Ranch already occupies the property, and Pro Pony is simply proposing some improvements to that property. Equine hobbies and sports have a long history in Reno and Northern NV. I understand the person who is against Pro Pony's plans most likely wants to build houses nearby. Reno certainly does not need more homes. New homes are being built already. Those who are against the proposal due to concerns about "flies and the smell of manure" provide a completely illogical argument, since the horse facility has already existed there for years, and, the construction of an indoor arena would not have any impact on the number of horses being boarded or the amount of flies. Those who live nearby surely knew there was a horse facility there when they moved into their homes. Most importantly, this facility will provide valuable equine related education and recreation that will be available on a year round basis with an indoor arena. This is something that is becoming more difficult to access as development encroaches on our beautiful Washoe County.

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    Rhonda Shafer 8 months ago

    Wake up folks.

    This is a COMMERCIAL, FOR PROFIT BUSINESS in a residential neighborhood.
    The site is not suitable for 25-35 horses
    The site is not suitable for erection of a 13,500 sq ft steel building

    Signing off on further development and allowing continued confinement of 25-35 horses this gully actually goes against THE COUNTY’S OWN DIRECTIVES to limit flood prone area to less intense development or no development at all.

    Any action in this gully is contrary to the STORMWATER INITIATIVE to mitigate degradation of water quality and negative effects of flooding in our region for which we, as taxpayers, are expected to foot the bill. The existence of an equestrian operation on THIS PROPERTY has been specifically cited as negatively impacting Dry Creek in studies PAID FOR IN PART BY WASHOE COUNTY.

    This is a narrow, constricted flood plain adjacent to the FEMA designated flood way created by Dry Creek. CONTRARY TO THE CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF THE APPLICANT’S ENGINEER, DRY CREEK is A PERENNIAL STREAM and does QUALIFY AS A SENSITIVE HYDROLOGIC RESOURCE. The planner somehow failed to catch and correct this blatant misstatement.

    Why is this important? A totally different, more intense hydrologic due diligence is required for any actions in this area. Instead, the engineer indicated that hydrology studies were expensive and even basic ones wouldn’t be done until they knew they had approval ????

    WAKE UP FOLKS. Approval of this is going to cost ALL of the taxpayers in Washoe County. It already has. Untold hours of county employee time have been dedicated to figuring out how to allow this poorly researched, flawed business plan on this highly unsuitable piece of property. The Witmers got sold an arguably unsuitable piece of property and promptly doubled down by buying a massive, expensive indoor building arena before even researching the viability or prudence of its construction. Why do we all have to pay for their bad decisions?

    PS - this is based on FACTS, not FEELINGS