Meeting Time: January 16, 2024 at 10:00am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

21. Public hearing: Pro Pony, LLC's appeal of the Washoe County Board of Adjustment's failure to approve Special Use Permit Case Number WSUP23-0029 and opposing neighbor Jill Brandin's appeal, filed to preserve her right to judicial review. Pro Pony, LLC requests approval of a special use permit to bring an existing legal non-conforming commercial stable to board 35 horses into conformance with Washoe County Code and to allow for the construction of a 13,500 SF indoor riding arena structure. Pro Pony, LLC is also requesting modifications to remove the requirement for paved parking surfaces to allow non-paved surfaces (110.410.25(e)) and to waive landscape standards for commercial uses (110.412.40(a-d)). The applicant and property owner is Pro Pony, LLC. The address is 3400 Holcomb Ranch Lane (Silver Circle Ranch) in Reno. The Assessor's Parcel Number is 040-670-12. The Board of County Commissioners shall consider the appeal based on the record and any testimony and materials submitted at the public hearing. The Board of County Commissioners may approve or deny the special use permit. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    Richard Lorson 11 months ago

    This proposal has already been denied twice, yet the owner comes back again without trying to reduce the size and scope of the plan, so that it might better fit into the residential surroundings. They have made no effort to compromise. The approval of a SUP to allow a major expansion of an older facility in a residential area would set a bad precedent. The proposed facility is in no way related to the small family-run boarding stables (for a small number of horses) that preceded it. Weekend and evening completions are planned, which also did not occur before. The addition of a tall, metal 13,580 sq ft indoor riding facility, also located in a flood zone, is out-of-place here from a visual perspective and also zoning guidelines. It does not fit in to a residential area.

    This proposed location of this facility is not near the edge of a change to residential zoning; it sits in the middle of it. For a distance of at least 1.2 miles in all directions, there is not another commercial business in this area. Why should this then be allowed?

    Please do not allow this out-of-place commercial business in a residential area. They say they need the indoor riding facility so they can ride in the winter months. I see riders there in the winter months riding in the existing outside rink areas. The winters here are not that severe that horse riding can’t take place outside. I ride horses in the late fall outside and also bike all year round outside. Their reasoning is flawed
    Thank you

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    Jill Brandin 11 months ago

    All adjacent property owners and 45 neighbors who live in the immediate vicinity are on record with details as to why the legally required findings cannot be made. Does this website give proper weight to the comments made by us rather those that are solicited from outside our neighborhood?
    The Board of Adjustment denied ProPony's similar SUP for 25 horses and indoor arena in 2022.
    The Board of Adjustment denied this WSUP23-0029 for 35 horses and indoor arena in 2023.
    The SUP application and staff report are incomplete and filled with false statements as pointed out on the record.
    The site is not suitable for the intensity of 25 or 35 horses or for adding impervious coverage from an indoor arena and fire access road in a FEMA flood zone. Very real health and safety concerns submitted on the record demonstrate that this commercial business in an HDR zone is detrimental.

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    durian pingree 11 months ago

    The property owners in the immediate neighborhood oppose this for-profit, intensive commercial use in an HDR zoned area.
    Pro Pony's land was zoned HDR when they bought it. The findings required to be made to approve this SUP could not be made in 2022 or 2023. The facts have not changed. This SUP must be denied.

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    Mary Hemminger 11 months ago

    I am a widow living on a neighboring property of the Silver Circle Ranch. I respectfully ask you to deny the SUP granting Silver Circle the right to build an indoor arena and to increase their number of boarded horses to 35. This is why:
    My property is just short of ten acres. Five of those acres lie in the designated flood plain of Dry Creek. At least twice each year, this supposed trickle of downhill flowing water called Dry Creek swells to an unbelievably raging river next to my house. It rivals the Truckee River in width; in some places exceeds 100 yards wide. Carried along with this raging water are all kinds of flotsam such as large branches, rocks, building materials, and garbage. Since the waters have traversed the Silver Circle Ranch before reaching my property, there is also horse manure and used barn bedding.
    Why is this so thoroughly disturbing to me? My deed restricts me from subdividing and constructing another building on my property. I am observing this legal restriction. I expect my neighbors to do likewise. So far that is the case except for my immediate neighbor who has erected 'temporary" horse enclosures and hay barns in her portion of the flood plain. No one else has had the audacity to attempt building a permanent, huge structure in this watershed area.
    Commissioners, please maintain the integrity of our complicated Reno area stream and ditch system by refusing this self serving request for an SUP.

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    Mark Sehnert 11 months ago

    I do not believe that the Commissioners fully comprehends the level of liability they may take on by approving the SUP. This facility violates a number of environmental laws, county codes and zoning regulations and the applicant is requesting approval of the SUP in spite of the violations In the event that serious damage occurs to public or private parties, if the county approves and issues the SUP they likely be liable for these damages at a cost to the tax paying public. Obviously the applicant does not have the wherewithal to cover any damages. Its the county that has the deep pockets.

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    Beverly Elston 11 months ago

    This email is being sent to you voicing my support of the indoor riding arena proposed for the Pair of Aces Equestrian Facility. In 1989 our family built our home and presently live less than 1 mile from this facility. At that time (35 years ago) Pair of Aces was a very active boarding and training equestrian business. I was pleased to see that when it was sold to Landess Witmer that it would remain a horse training property. Our area of town is unique in that the agricultural influence has remained. I have seen changes, as sections of land have been sold and developed. Many enormous homes, barns, out buildings, etc. have been built without opposition.

    The real estate market in this area is and has always been in high demand because of our respect for what we have. Traffic has increased over the years but not from the Silver Circle Ranch. The increase of traffic has been from commuter traffic seeking an alternative cross valley option to the freeway.

    From a legal standpoint if the business is compliant with all regulations, they have a right to build on their own property. Just because someone doesn’t like what the owners do with their property does not give them the legal standing to prevent it. I choose not to share my opinions through social media or in person because I do live with those that oppose this project. I also own shares in the Last Chance Ditch company and receive irrigation water through it. I have a good working relationship with all and fear that my position on this community enhancement would cause retaliation from others.

    I have attended the previous two hearings and found them to be entertaining and informative. It seems odd why the opposition doesn’t want this project but has not rallied against other large developments in our area. There will be no negative impact on the community with the addition of the proposed building.
    Again, if all regulations have been met and stipulations been dealt with, this project should be approved.


    Beverly Elston

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    Mary Pamela Bailey 11 months ago

    I am a voting citizen of Washoe County, a homeowner and a horse owner. I believe the proposed project by Silver Circle Ranch is a wonderful addition to the area and is badly needed for many reasons. I believe the owners and management of Silver Circle Ranch have gone out of their way to accommodate their immediate neighbors' concerns and the governments' concerns.
    I also believe that the indoor arena will increase safety for our riders and horses, that there will not be any changes or increase in traffic, that the project meets EVERY Washoe County Staff finding, is completely legal - and should be approved, and that this project speaks to our NV roots and our rural community - it is who we are as a community.

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    Gianna Toscano 11 months ago

    I am writing to express my strong support in favor of the construction of an indoor arena at Silver Circle Ranch. An indoor arena would greatly improve the quality, safety, and frequency of the training of both horses and riders throughout Reno’s winter months.

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    Rachel Rombardo 11 months ago

    I am writing to express my strong support for the approval of the proposed indoor horse riding arena in our community. The indoor arena will significantly enhance the safety of Reno’s riders and horses, providing a controlled environment that minimizes risks associated with outdoor riding and shelter from inclement weather. Our community deserves a space where our equestrian activities can flourish without compromising on safety. This project is driven by our deep-rooted love for horses and is symbolic of our roots in Nevada. It reflects Washoe County as a community and strengthens our identity.

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    PR Pierce 12 months ago

    I would like to see this pass with a favorable vote. I have walked the property, reviewed the application and talked with the planner, it appears to me that the applicant is in compliance with the county and with all their request for a this special use permit. I know a large amount of the public comment may not support this effort but are their comments based upon facts or feelings? I would like to request that you verify all the public comment before believing what you hear. There is a possibility that the efforts of the negative comments are not reliant on the facts being presented and therefore are just comments made without merit. Please do not judge this application based upon what you are hearing in the public comment. Get with the planner and site visit the place and see for yourself. Good luck with this one, it goes way back and has a lot of moving parts. :)