Meeting Time: July 16, 2024 at 10:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

22. Motion to reconsider decision not to canvass the recount made at Board of County Commissioners Meeting on July 9, 2024 and recommendation to declare canvass of the recount vote for the recount of the County Commission, District 4 Republican race (demanded by candidate Mark A. Lawson), and the recount of the School Board Trustee, District G At-Large race (demanded by candidate Paul D. White). Pursuant to NRS 293.387 and NAC 293.365, the Board is required to canvass the results of the recount, by which any errors within the election results are officially noted and the official results are declared. If approved, the Board shall order the Registrar of Voters to certify the abstract of the results and transmit a copy of the certified abstract to the Secretary of State. Voters. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    Gail Townsend 3 months ago

    Please vote to accept the results of the June 2024 Primary. No evidence has been brought forth to call these results into question. In my opinion it is long past time to end the constant questioning of our elections. Court case after court case has ruled against the election deniers -- here in Nevada and elsewhere in the country. It is time for all of us to stand up and say enough is enough. Thank you Commissioner Andriola for asking that the vote from June 9 be reconsidered. I urge all Commissioners to vote to certify the results of the June primary as accurate and correct. I will attend the June meeting of the BOCC and make further comment at that time.

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    Claire Hall 3 months ago

    Please fulfill your duty to Washoe County and to the voters and canvass the vote. The primary was run without difficulty, as was the recount.

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    Linda Curry 3 months ago

    Please vote Yes to canvass the recount. We need to assure free and fair elections.

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    Lynne Gray 3 months ago

    Please vote YES to canvass the recount vote. There is NO credible evidence of any mistakes or wrong doing and failure to canvass will continue to unjustly erode citizen's faith in our elections.

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    Julie Mm 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount vote. This action is required by Nevada Revised Statutes. Debate on this belongs only in the State Legislature. Thank you.

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    Lloyd Rogers 3 months ago

    Plese vote to certify this recent election. There is no shred of a reason or any contrasting data analysis to do otherwise.

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    Marcia OMalley 3 months ago

    Please do your job, what we elected each of you to do! Certify the recount and the primary election results. Honor the hard work done to carefully recount every vote to ensure the integrity of this election!!

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    Thomas Fusso 3 months ago

    Please vote YES to canvass the recount. Let us show the nation Washoe County knows how to run an election!

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    ROGER SCIME 3 months ago

    It has become painfully obvious to me that RINOS (Republicans In Name Only) of the MAGA stripe will never accept as legitimate any election outcome that does not favor their candidate. They will use any tool—legitimate or not—to delay, deny, and dispute—no matter how damaging it is to our Constitution, our democracy, and our rule of law—to cast doubt on our free , honest, and transparent elections.

    The Washoe County Board of County Commissioners must vote to certify the recount.

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    Barb Giacomini 3 months ago

    Absolutely yes, canvass the recount. Respect our sacred votes

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    Veronica Frenkel 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount. Please do not disenfranchise tens of thousands of Washoe County voters. We are counting on you to support the democratic process and to fulfil your constitutional duty. Thank you.

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    Jane Grossman 3 months ago

    Please vote to certify the election. Given the recount that was almost identical to the original vote tally, it appears that our voting system is fair and accurate. If there are things that can be improved for the general election, please direct the registrar to work on those areas rather than holding up the process and sowing unnecessary doubt in the overall system.

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    Julie Cooper 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount.

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    Conrad Tanyi 3 months ago

    Please vote to certify the recount! Stop

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    Suzanne Williams 3 months ago

    Please vote yes and canvass the recount so Registrar of Voters can certify the results.

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    Elizabeth Barnes 3 months ago

    Please vote “yes” to canvass the recount. The voters have spoken and there is no hard evidence of fraud. This is an administrative function.
    Thank you.

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    Judi Hein 3 months ago

    Approve the vote!

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    Jeff Hardcastle 3 months ago

    Thank you, Commissioner Andriola for bringing certifying the vote for reconsideration. I would ask you and your fellow commissioners to certify the vote. This is an administrative function that is being held up by anecdotal stories and examples. If you, as an individual commissioner are concerned then you should be sure that you or a trusted representative participate in the opportunities for observation that are open to the political parties and their representatives.
    Your role as the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners is to support this important function to make sure it is properly staffed and has the resources to do their job. You should be supporting the temporary workers and making sure that they are well trained and feel respected by you and the community. People can make mistakes and that is why there is a recount. That has been completed. There is nothing nefarious being done by folks. Insinuating that there is just undermines your credibility and erodes the public’s trust.
    Elections are based on a set of rules that we all agree on. That, as much as one man one vote is what makes democracy work. Sometimes one loses and sometimes one wins. That is how it works. By not certifying the vote, you are rigging the system, not your staff.

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    Greta de Jong 3 months ago

    Please vote to certify the vote count and stop giving credence to unfounded and politically motivated allegations of election fraud. The tactics being deployed by election deniers are the same as those used by authoritarian movements to gain power and establish dictatorships in other parts of the world. Don't be part of this deliberate effort to undermine democracy in the USA.

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    Duane Vermazen 3 months ago

    Please vote Yes to canvass the recount. It is important to uphold the integrity of our democratic process.