Meeting Time: July 16, 2024 at 10:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

22. Motion to reconsider decision not to canvass the recount made at Board of County Commissioners Meeting on July 9, 2024 and recommendation to declare canvass of the recount vote for the recount of the County Commission, District 4 Republican race (demanded by candidate Mark A. Lawson), and the recount of the School Board Trustee, District G At-Large race (demanded by candidate Paul D. White). Pursuant to NRS 293.387 and NAC 293.365, the Board is required to canvass the results of the recount, by which any errors within the election results are officially noted and the official results are declared. If approved, the Board shall order the Registrar of Voters to certify the abstract of the results and transmit a copy of the certified abstract to the Secretary of State. Voters. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION

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    JESSICA GORIN 3 months ago

    Vote to certify the election. Democracy only works when votes have meaning. Do not give credence to unwarranted claims of fraud by giving them a platform. End the nonsense with a 5-0 vote that says Washoe County follows the rule of law and believes in our democratic process.

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    Carissa Snedeker 3 months ago

    Dear Commissioners,

    Thank you for revisiting your vote and I urge you to certify the recount as required by law and honor the will of the voters. Thank you.

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    Gaia Brown 3 months ago

    Thank you so much to the Board of Commissioners for revisiting this action which is required by State law.

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    Meghan Wolf 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount. People screaming disinformation need to stop foiling our democracy and our society. We are all bound by the rule of law, and because the process was free and fair, the commission is bound by law to certify the June election.

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    Eric Lerude 3 months ago

    Dear Commissioners,

    Please vote to certify the recount of the two races in the June 11 Primary. The Washoe County Commission has one role to play here: to vote to certify. You may not like some allegations that have been asserted by some of your constituents or some facts that you have learned, but none of those allegations or facts provide you with a basis to vote to not certify.

    A 5 to 0 vote would send a critical message to Washoe County — and the rest of the country who are watching this week after all the press coverage from last week — that here in Washoe County our County Commissioners are united to follow the law and bring order to our country when there is so much chaos and anxiety going on. This is even more important after the shooting at the rally in Pennsylvania this past Saturday night.

    If you have concerns about any the allegations or the facts, then take steps to make sure the laws of the State of Nevada are changed or modified to address your concerns.

    As for keeping order, I appreciate all that you do, Chair Hill, in running the meetings, balancing giving everyone an ample opportunity to speak with moving the meeting along to get business done. I hope that you can lean on the WCDA’s Office to help maintain the order of the meeting. Cheering and other outbursts from the crowd, whether supporting one side or the other, should not be allowed. Insults and name calling by the members of the public or by other commissioners should not be allowed either. Not allowing any of this behavior should in theory keep the temperature down which would be a very good thing for all in this challenging time in our country’s history.

    Thank you for your service to Washoe County.

    Eric Lerude

    3rd Generation and Long Time Washoe County Resident

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    Nina Moore 3 months ago

    I was a volunteer with the non-partisan Election Protection partnership of the ACLU and Silver State voices and urge the Commissioners to vote yes to canvass the recount.

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    Pam McAdoo 3 months ago

    Keep our democracy alive and healthy: vote YES to canvass the recount.

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    Jennifer Esposito 3 months ago

    Please vote "yes" to canvass the recount. No evidence of fraud has come to light. The voting system is fair.

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    Mary Frey 3 months ago

    Please vote YES to canvass the recount.

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    Louis Bubala 3 months ago

    Please approve the canvas. I have been a Washoe County poll observer and/or observed the count at the Washoe County Registrar's every election since 2012. There is nothing nefarious going on. In 2022, the most troubling thing that I encountered was an election denier telling others he had made some trouble at a polling place, and that he was able to hack into a voting machine in 2020. If these complaints were true, the election deniers would have no trouble winning at court. The primary election was run without difficulty, and the recount was done without difficulty. The results should ceritified.

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    Bari Levinson 3 months ago

    Please vote YES to canvass the recount. I believe the voting system is fair and free of fraud, including mail in ballots and the counting of the votes by machine. Thank you.

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    Amy Levy 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount

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    Beverly Dummitt 3 months ago

    It is clear, the Commissioners need to certify the results of the election. The candidates have had their time in recounts. Time to let go and move on. The State of Nevada requires verification of election results. It is done. Do it!

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    Richard Bissett 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount. There really is no other legal choice here.

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    Daniel Corona 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to certify the canvass.

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    Kyle DeVasier 3 months ago

    Please vote yes to canvass the recount.

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    Joseph Sutton 3 months ago

    I support a vote to approve this agenda item. Please vote yes.

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    Maureen FitzGerald 3 months ago

    Asking you to vote yes to canvass the recount. Thank you.

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    Craig Etem 3 months ago

    The duty of the County Commission is to follow the law. The law is: . . . the board shall:
    (a) Note separately any clerical errors discovered; and

    (b) Take account of the changes resulting from the discovery, so that the result declared represents the true vote cast.

    So, if you know of any errors, you take them into account. If you are just guessing that there were errors, you do not have discretion. This should be a 5-0 vote. If Mr. Beadles has a decent case, the court would have already issued a temporary restraining order. As you are aware, it has not.

    The more we question elections where no evidence of widespread fraud or errors is present, the more we undermine democracy. I believe in our Constitution and the democratic process. It is time you showed that you do too.

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    Julia Gold 3 months ago

    Please vote Yes to canvass the recount. Please take all actions necessary to stop the misinformation concerning elections. it is imperative to uphold the integrity of our democratic process, which includes respecting and certifying all valid votes cast by eligible voters. The decision not to certify legitimate votes undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and raises unsupported questions about the fairness and transparency of our electoral system. It is time to stop giving voice to the lies that are told about our elections and instead state the facts - that it was accurate and fair and should be confirmed.